I'm trying to get some new lj-friends and I found you under the interest 'asian guys'. We have lots of interests in common, wah, I see you like twin sisters, I have a twin sister=P If you don't mean like a band or somethingXP I'm adding you^^
Yeah, I noticed, we do have a lot of things in common. Hahah, no I don't mean a band, I like twin sisters. I don't have a twin myself, but I've always wished I had one ^ ^; But yeah it's cool to add me, I'll add you ^ ^
Oh yeah sorry I sent it from the wrong journal. That's why I deleted it. I was not meaning to antagonize you and yeah I'm trying to update my likes so for the moment we did have everything in common. Sorry for the confusion.
It's ok...the way that gmail sent the comment to me really confused me (it showed up as cynical_justice, with no mention of this name, so when I replied I had looked at the other journal & then I realized it was a different name after -__-;), & I was like 'wth'. I'm sorry if I got a little paranoid, but really stupid things have been happening to me & my friends on the internet. Truly, I don't mind what name you add me under as long as it's a geniune reason ^ ^ I'm sorry if I panicked a bit.
Hi!! I just was rereading your Baroque fanfic today and come over your LJ. And we're in a lot of common comunities (I think you joined the Flowers project right?). Also I said: awwwwww when I saw your Baroque banner and your dog cause is like mine ^___^
Haha, I'm flattered you reread my baroque fanfic ^ ^; I always reread the fanfic of those stories I loved, & I never expected someone would do that for me ^ ^ Yes, I did join the flowers project!!
No, I don't mind!! We share a love of baroque & kannivalism, so why not ^ ^
Haha, if you want I can send you all the document files through email sometime. Also, I'm working on another baroque fic, I started writing it around the time I finished the other one but I hadn't had time to work on it due to school. I'm trying to get some inspiration to get the first chapter up & where I want to go from there.
Comments 133
I adds u ;P!
Are you cynical_justice? If so, which name did you mean to add me under? I don't really like being antagonized.
..I just realized you have a similar icon to this one. Oh well. XD; I wrote the story 'Arcane Inclination'.. XD I think you liked it?
You can add me back if you don't mind my journal being entirely perverted. X9
Ooh, and I like your layout. Very simple and lovely.
^___^b ♥♥
Thank you! I do try to make it stylish ^ ^
Also I said: awwwwww when I saw your Baroque banner and your dog cause is like mine ^___^
Mind if I add you?
No, I don't mind!! We share a love of baroque & kannivalism, so why not ^ ^
YAY! I'm adding you then
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