[meme] 50 Fanfic Questions Part 1

Mar 09, 2015 22:11

(Answering some questions about fanfiction. Questions by bow-to-my-tie on tumblr, though the page is gone now.)

First five questions below the cut.

1. What fandom(s) do you read?

The vast majority of the fanfic I read these days is from BBC's Sherlock, but I'll also read fics from the Marvel fandom (about the recent movies) and the Harry Potter fandom every now and again. I've also read a few Teen Wolf and Supernatural fics. And if I think the story sounds interesting enough I'll read a fic from any fandom if I feel familiar enough with it and the characters.

2. If you could request more of a certain type of fic, which would it be?

HAPPY JOHNLOCK!!! Though there is a fair share of that out there. Non-sexual ageplay is something I like to see in fics at the moment, so I'd like to see more of that (especially in the Sherlock fandom).

3. What is your favorite all-time fic?

Oh, I hate favorite questions. As with nearly everything else, my favourite fics tend to change over time. At the moment, though, I'm really attached to a few Sherlock fics (which I would also like to reccommend while I'm here): Nature and Nurture (by earlgreytea68), Command Structure (by 221b_hound), A Cure for Boredom (by emmagrant01), 26 Pieces (by Lanning). There are a few others as well which titles escape me at the moment. (All four fics can be found at archiveofourown.org)

4. Do you ever re-read fics? How about triple-read?

Oh, hell yes. This is definitely a thing I do with fics I love very much. I've got a few old favourites (some mentioned in the above answer) that I like to re-read, or at least skim through, every now and then. Of course, it's harder to re-read some of the longer ones (which can reach novel lengths, and beyond), though I think I've read Nature and Nurture and Command Structure about three or four times each. And then there are the shorter oneshots that I'll happily re-read over and over again which make for good quick reads.

5. Do you prefer angst or fluff?

It depends on the story really. On the surface I would really much prefer fluff; I like my OTP happy, thanks much. Though if I know that everything is leading to a happy ending then I'm perfectly happy with angst. Though I'd still prefer the fluff.

fanfiction, memes

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