1. No, but looking for one 2. To be a dancer 3. To stand on my head 4. White Russian or a beer. But most of the time I believe the person who pays chooses. 5. Carrots 6. The Handmaid's Tale (I just had to reread that) 7. Gemini 8. Nope, but did have my ears pieced once 9. Biting my nails 10. Duh 11. Volleyball 12. Realistic 13. MAKE-OUT SESSION ;) 14. You already know 15. Sometimes when I walk I count my steps. Only up to 8 then I restart. 16. Leo the Lion 17. Welcome you in 18. Why is she talking to me? 19. SCARY. I don't like being unable to see a person's face 20. No more zits 21. I think I've been both....though I guess mostly a conscience. 22. Brown 23. No 24. Either 25. Put it in a CD 26. Name one thing you collect. Dolls dressed in different National Dress. 27. Anywhere there are friends 28. Yep 29. Be lazy 30. Like a drunken sailor 31. Sexist pigs 32. Mother 33. Yes 34. Favourite food: Sugar Least Favourite Food: Green Eggs and Ham (Oma made it since Alex needed to do a meal related to a book) 35. Yep 36. Sure
Comments 2
2. To be a dancer
3. To stand on my head
4. White Russian or a beer. But most of the time I believe the person who pays chooses.
5. Carrots
6. The Handmaid's Tale (I just had to reread that)
7. Gemini
8. Nope, but did have my ears pieced once
9. Biting my nails
10. Duh
11. Volleyball
12. Realistic
14. You already know
15. Sometimes when I walk I count my steps. Only up to 8 then I restart.
16. Leo the Lion
17. Welcome you in
18. Why is she talking to me?
19. SCARY. I don't like being unable to see a person's face
20. No more zits
21. I think I've been both....though I guess mostly a conscience.
22. Brown
23. No
24. Either
25. Put it in a CD
26. Name one thing you collect. Dolls dressed in different National Dress.
27. Anywhere there are friends
28. Yep
29. Be lazy
30. Like a drunken sailor
31. Sexist pigs
32. Mother
33. Yes
34. Favourite food: Sugar Least Favourite Food: Green Eggs and Ham (Oma made it since Alex needed to do a meal related to a book)
35. Yep
36. Sure
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