Title: Seiran and Ensei By: animeshen Summary: fanart of the aforementioned dynamic duo ready to kick ass and take names. Notes: Sincere apologies for the lateness. Without further ado!
It's great, thanks!everlaughterJanuary 22 2012, 04:30:45 UTC
I love this picture, Ensei's expression is fantastic! You managed to capture his essence in that "I dare you to," grin. I bet you that's how he looks at all his foes, right before he smacks the craziness out of them. :P
As for Seiran, if that look doesn't say "I am pissed, eat my sword," then I don't know what does.
Comments 2
As for Seiran, if that look doesn't say "I am pissed, eat my sword," then I don't know what does.
Thanks again Secret Santa!
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