Week 9 - Clan Color

Dec 02, 2007 22:53

As there're no submission for week 8 for some reason, let's start a new one. Though I’ll post reminders anyway (evil laughter).

This week theme is CLAN COLOR.
1. Your icon must include at least one member of the chosen clan only (2 and more would be love). Members of other colored clans are NOT OK.
2. Try to make your icon as… ah, purple/blue/red/green/yellow/black/white/brown (depends on what clan you chose) as possible. But it’s not obligatory to use this color palette only. Some other related colors are ok.
3. You can submit 2 icons. Both icons can be dedicated to 2 different clans or to a single one. It’s ok.
4. You can use whatever text you like.

Other requirements: Submitted icons must be compatible with Livejournal standards: not bigger than 100x100 and not heavier than 40kb.

Deadline - December, 10.
Have fun.
NOTE: From now on weeks will start on MONDAYS.


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