(Since people seem to be dead or whatever, I'm taking the rp in a new direction...go me!)
He'd had that dream again last night. Sitting up, he brushed against the sleeping form of his wife, feeling as well as hearing her soft, steady breathing. Lowering one hand, he shoved aside a lock of her raven hair before gaining his feet. He rubbed the sleep from his onyx eyes, blinking past the darkness coating the window towards the small stream twining past thier small, humble abode.
The dream. He saw it all in vivid clarity once more. He often dreamed about those past battles previously won and, those lost, but this one was different. He'd been having the same dream over and over for the past week now. Blood and agony, twisted shapes looming in the half-light just before dawn. The corners of his mind fuzzy and perception dulled as dreams were wont to go.
It was more a nightmare, really, than a simple dream. He'd also begun to wonder if it didn't have more meaning than just his subconscience playing therapist with him. More times this week he'd woken up drenched in his own sweat with Chi Chi sleeping in the next room to avoid being injured as he tossed and turned.
"I have to find out what it means!" He balled his hands into fists at his side, standing near the window. He leaned his forehead against the glass, allowing the cold surface to sooth his senses. "I can't even concentrate on my training!" The images had, indeed, begun to haunt his waking hours as well.
"Hmm...Gokou, what are you doing?" He turned at the sound of his wife's half-asleep voice as saw her shadow sitting part-way up in the bed they shared. "It's still dark out, who are you talking to?"
"Sorry, Chi Chi," He said to her, flushing somewhat at being caught talking to himself, and made his way towards the door, suddenly needing to do something physical to try to take his mind off another restless night. "Go back to sleep, okay? I can get my own breakfast."
Too tired to wonder at this, Chi Chi groaned and lay back down, rolling over, she tugged the covers up over her head and murmered something about being careful and not burning the house down. He chuckled at that and made his way towards the kitchen. As much as his need to get back to his training, as his stomach complained loudly, Gokou knew, priorities were priorities.