Brief thoughts on this week's Fairy Tail:
So the barrier rules are programmed like computer code...? Interesting... I want to know more about that hacker girl now.
And since we learnt as couple of weeks ago, that Gazille can't get through the barrier either, that means whichever rule applies to him and Natsu must be connected to them being raised by dragons... I still want to know which one, and I wonder if the hacker girl might have to provoke some backstory out of them to work out how to get them through? Although maybe not, since she seems to be doing alright without it... it's gotta be a plot-point for later, though, if it doesn't come up now, and I'll be waiting for it.
Fried doesn't want to kill the other Guild members? I knew I liked him for a reason....
And the last page is all kinds of yay! XD
And, a meme ganked from
1. What time did you get up this morning? Morning? *blinks*
2. Diamonds or pearls? Don't really like either... I guess diamonds win because I can sometimes find them pretty when they're not being used in jewellry, but I hate pearls no matter where they are.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Not sure... probably Dark Knight.
4. What is your favourite TV show? Either One Piece or the new Doctor Who.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Toast. With peanut butter.
6. What is your middle name? Ruth.
7. What food do you dislike? Um, lots of them. Beans, pumpkin, any corned meat, coffee, nuts, raspberries, anything containing un-pick-out-able seeds, and I won't touch seafood with a barge-pole. And that's just a sample.
8. What is your favourite song at the moment? Um, I dunno... I think I'm at a point of looking for my next favourite at the moment, and it hasn't shown up yet, and I can't really pick out anything in particular right now... maybe Yasashii Yoake, or the Japanese version of Still Alive. Or something from Gravitation.
9. What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive.
10. Favourite sandwich? I hate sandwiches unless they're toasted, and then it has to be either cheese or peanut butter.
11. What characteristic do you despise? Lots of them... first one that comes to mind today is lack of a sense of wonder.
12. Favourite item of clothing? Mm... probably my pirate hat?
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Japan or the British Isles.
14. Favourite brand of clothing? I don't know clothing brands...
15. Where would you retire to? I don't want to think about the fact that one day I'm gonna get old enough to need to retire.
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? What do you call memorable? XD My last birthday, we played DDR and then had a Bill and Ted marathon, so... I don't know. Is that memorable? That's just the kind of stuff we do, birthdays or otherwise, we just do more of it on birthdays. XD
17. Favourite sport to watch? Quidditch. Or figure skating. I'd probably watch archery, martial arts or fencing if they were an option... That's pretty much it, I hate most sports.
18. When is your birthday? 28th March. 4 days before the Weasley twins. XD
19. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night. Definitely night.
20. What is your shoe size? Um, 9, maybe, I'm not sure.
21. Pets? Can't have them, we're renting. *detests people who won't allow cats*
22. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with us? Uh, nothing I can think of right now... I'd say, "COME TO AICON!" but everyone on my flist who can already knows about it.
23. What did you want to be when you were little? A zoologist, an astronomer, an actor and a writer. Also, a Starfleet officer and a mage.
24. How are you today? Recovering from a night that was much later than I expected it to be... but okay, I think.
25. What is your favourite candy? Candy? Hard rocky sweet stuff? Is there more than one kind...? Well, there's fairy-floss, I suppose, but...
See I know what you mean with this, but to me, chocolate and lollies aren't candy, only candy is candy... anyway, the answer to what you want to know is dark chocolate.
26. What is your favourite flower? Uh, not that much of a flower person to know this... maybe irises or red roses (or purple roses! Yes, they exist, I've seen them XD).
27. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Christmas. Who doesn't?
28. What are you listening to right now? Myself typing.
29. What was the last thing you ate? A couple of orange TicTacs.
30. Do you wish on stars? I hardly ever see falling stars, and when I do, I'm too busy looking at them to think of anything to wish for.
31. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Blue. Bright blue.
32. How is the weather right now? Hot and sunny, ick.
33. What was your favourite toy as a child? The stuffed tiger my sister gave me for Christmas one year - he was my constant bed-companion for years, and I still have him.
34. Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
35. When was the last time you cried? The other night, watching Doctor Who with Mum and
mask_of_red, when we got to the end of "Gridlock". "You are not alone."
36. What did you do last night? Had friends over, and watched the first few eps of Thriller Bark (a recent arc of One Piece, for those who don't know the series). I love Brooke so much... and he only gets better! XD And then had a long late-night conversation with
37. What are you afraid of? Lots of things. Losing limbs, losing senses, losing faculties. Spiders. Needles. Death. Dogs. Old age. Malicious ghosts. Red lights in the dark, unless I'm in a telescope-paddock. Religious extremists, of any stripe. Losing people I love. Those weird noises made by strong wind. Clowns. Ventriloquist dummies, in their traditional form. Realistic dolls. ...actually, pretty much anything in the Uncanny Valley, I'm particularly sensitive to it. Skeletons, with a couple of exceptions. The voices you hear when you're half-awake. And I could go on...
38. How many keys on your key ring? I don't have one. I keep my house-key in my pocket, that's pretty much all I've got.
39. If you can choose your talent, what would it be? A talent I don't already have? I want to be able to draw. Or to embody my characters better when cosplaying.
40. Do you make friends easily? Not usually.
Tagging rules, if anyone wants them, are:
Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends! Try not to be lame and spoil the fun! If you get tagged, copy this entire survey and paste into your own blog, change all of the answers so that they apply to you. Then visit the profiles of some of your friends and “Tag” them by simply leaving a comment, asking them to visit your blog, and state that they have been Tagged! The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known! Some of you may get tagged several times, so they can always refer back to your blog for your answers.
But I'm lazy, so I'm just gonna say, whoever wants to do it, go ahead!