Sato says:
I love how I played Pikachu in that RP, he was a MASSIVE pervert. XD
Zemi Version 2.0 says:
XDDDDDD Is that so?
Sato says:
Yep. XD
Sato says:
For some reason, he was sexually attracted to humans rather than other Pokemon. XD
Zemi Version 2.0 says:
..i'd say bestiality only it's not quite that when it's the animal liking the human instead of vice versa..
Sato says:
Sato says:
In fact, I think I actually even once had him refer to doing it with "that one Nurse Joy" once. XD;;
Sato says:
In fact, I believe I also used it as the reason for his behaviour in episode 1. He figured that if he misbehaved enough, Ash might take him back and he might end up being given to a female trainer instead. XD
Zemi Version 2.0 says:
Zemi Version 2.0 says:
poor pikachu, didn't get what he wanted :c
Sato says:
Yeah. Although he and Ash ended up being good pals anyway. XD
Sato says:
Also, it makes sense if you apply it in canon. Why was he so friendly with Misty in episode 3 when Ash was trying to get rid of her? Why did he destroy May and Dawn's bikes? (Well, it worked with Misty, why not them?) Why does he resist Buneary's advances? >_>
Zemi Version 2.0 says:
Zemi Version 2.0 says:
Ohgod, it's true.. XDDD
Sato says: