Do you WANT to die?

Dec 22, 2005 17:13

Name: Katherine
Nickname: Katsurinu-chan
Age: 15
Birthdate: 8/23
Likes: Anime, Reading, Photography, Horses, the list goes on.
Dislikes: Math, snobs, mean people, mushrooms, the color yellow.
Strengths: Creative, fairly nice, can ride horses pretty well... I can't think of anything else >>.
Weaknesses: Easily agitated, easily frustrated.
Pet Peeves: Ignorance, incomptetence, and the French.

Hobbies: Eventing, Photography, LJ
Talents: Riding horses, photography.
Favorite Color: Blue or Purple
Favorite Food: Sushi
Mature or Immature? Fairly mature
Leader or Follower? Follower

Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Cho Hakkai - I love his personality, he's such a muliti-faceted character, plus he's dead sexy.
Least Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Gyokumen Koshu - She's evil and she screwed up Kougaiji, therefore I dispise her.
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Kougaiji/Yaone - It's so obvious (to me at least), I saw the chemistry from day one, I was shocked to learn it wasn't a technical canon pairing.
least favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Homura/Goku - I just don't get it.



Me and my horse Gary at a Pony Club rally (really old picture).

I'm a dork, what can I say?
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