Name: Erin
Nickname: Tru, Marsha
Age: 19
Birthdate: September, 22 1985
Likes: computers, theatre, music, dance, hyde, harry potter
Dislikes: bad movies, unneeded special effects, reading, being bored
Strengths: open minded, blunt, honest, athletic, good performer
Weaknesses: men, perverted, maybe too blunt and honest, easily annoyed
Pet Peeves: ignorance, prejudice ... which I consider the same thing. Arg! And people who say "chew" instead of "you" when they sing. I know that sounds stupid.
Hobbies: dancing, singing, acting, sports, horseback riding, debating
Talents: singing, acting, getting people to agree with me, getting people to open up to me
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Food: lobster, oysters, or anything raw
Mature or Immature? mature most of the time.
Leader or Follower? leader
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Sanzo. Everybody loves Sanzo, and it's interesting that he's so strong, and powerful over the others that he doesn't have to say much to get them to shut up. I also agree with him on his philosophy of God(s).
Least Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Goku. He annoys me. I love and hate youngsters.
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Sanzo/Hakkai. I like how calm the two of them ... try to stay at least. I have a thing for beat up bloody guys, and guns...that's not a good thing is it?
Least favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Sanzo/Goku. I just find Goku annoying, and too naive. I might actually like Gojyo/Goku less though. That's a though one.
Anything else you have to say?
Just that you should question everything. It's my philosophy on life.