Name: Dana
Nickname: Arc, the uke cheese puppy, 'hey, you!'...
Age: 16
Birthdate: 9/6
Likes: Reading. Writing. Roleplaying. Hamlet (the character and the play). Anime/manga. Yaoi. Waaaaay too many different kinds of music.
Dislikes: Forum-n00bs and general stupid people. Anyone who acts like an ass to people who don't deserve it. People who think that banning books will stop all the world's problems.
Strengths: I'm actually pretty weak. Look, no muscles. *points* (...And I also have a strange sense of humor.) I've been told that I'm creative, and I sometimes feel confident in my writing abilities.
Weaknesses: Lazy as hell, and waaay too apathetic about things that should be important (such as school work, taking the test to get my driving permit...) That, and I always start things that I know I'll never finish. >\
Pet Peeves: The misuse of apostrophe's (error intentional). General grammar-rape. Your face.
Hobbies: Wouldn't this be almost the same thing as "likes"?
Talents: Procrastination.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Food: Sushi. Or cheeseburgers. o.o
Mature or Immature? I can be whatever the situation calls for, really. I'd like to say, "Yes, I'm immature" but I really don't think it's true. (I was talking with a favorite fanfic author of mine who I friended through LJ, and she thought I was 18...when, in fact, I was 15. So, yeah. *shifty eyes*)
Leader or Follower? It depends on who I'm with. I can be incredibly agressive at times, so I guess that's a bit "leader"-y, but I can just go with the flow, too.
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: I have to say Goku. If only because he was stuck inside of a cave for 500 years and didn't go absolutely insane with nobody to talk to, to be with... Total isolation sounds like a horrible thing, and regardless of physical strength, you need to have a ton of mental strength to deal with something like that. And I can completely understand the way he's so attached to Sanzo, as I have a similar figure in my life.
But, then again, I haven't seen past what's out in the US and so I don't think I can give an opinion based on full knowledge of the character.
Least Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: annoying sometimes. But I don't really dislike her. Because that's a really stupid reason to dislike a character. ^^;;
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: If it seems like it could work based on the characters' personalities and stuff, that's really all that matters. Though I really wish I could find a good fic with Kougaiji and Goku... I always thought that one set near the beginning of the series would be incredibly interesting.
Least favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Hakkai/Goku seems a little weird to me. Hakkai always acts so...mature, and Goku is such the opposite of that. I know the whole 'opposites attract' thing can be true a lot, but this seems like they're a little too opposite.
Anything else you have to say? If you give me a cookie, I'll do a trick! :D And, er, I just recently started a Saiyuki RPG, and this seems like the perfect place to pimp calmly mention it in passing, if that's allowed. *cough*
The pictures: