Do you WANT to die?

Aug 12, 2005 01:22


Name: Emily
Nickname: Hobbit, Kappa, Em, Yotan
Age: 19
Birthdate: 4/8/1986
Likes: Dancing, clubbing, singing, flirting, writing, cosplaying, having fun, partying, friends, mysteries, raving, games, picking on friends, several more NC-17ish bedroom (And other places...>.>) activities, art and artistic things, leopard print, drinking, smoking, teasing, fighting...yes fighting, arguing, gambling, winning...even if I have to cheat...cussing (it's an artform!)
Dislikes: people who hurt others (particularly men who hurt women), liars, cowards, people who seem to think they're always right, people who like playing the victim (especially when they *aren't*), going to work early in the morning, hummers, authority, arrogant people, self-righteous pricks, people who think they're better than others.
Strengths: Smart (On occaision...), great sense of humor, protective, sarcasm, loyalty, can be a hard worker, stubborn (But that can be good *and* bad)
Weaknesses: Gullible, arguementive, easily hurt/annoyed, lazy, messy, I tend to blame my self for things that aren't my fault and won't let them go, drinking, smoking, I tend to dwell on the more hurtful moments of my past, when I'm hurt I tend to bottle it up and not talk about it or at all...My mother..., Loud, brash, impulsive, emotional at times
Pet Peeves: one really, I'm laid back most of the time...except maybe people cracking their knucles...I hate that. And people who can't drive, and people who can't use proper english when typing.

Hobbies: Dancing, singing, flirting, writing, cosplaying, having fun, partying, friends, games, picking on friends, arguing, play-fighting, card games, ummm...some NC-17 activies...if ya know what I mean ;-) Yes...that IS a hobby.
Talents: acting, singing, writing, kissing, flirting, playing with wire and/or chains *shrug*, arguing, I've been told I have a talented tongue...*cough* and...I'm good with my hands. Also, I have a talent for card games, and cussing, and drinking...
Favorite Color: Crimson, and Jade...I'm a sucker for red heads, and blondes...brunettes too...I'll shut up now...
Favorite Food: Kappa Maki! I'm sooo completely a cucumber fiend. But I can eat anything and I'll steal other people's food.
Mature or Immature? Depends on my mood and situation, I can be both. Usually, I'm immature.
Leader or Follower? Also depends, I've been known to be a leader, but I can also be a follower, though honestly, I'm always on my own side. If I have a good reason to do something, I'm going to do it reguardless of what my "leader" says.

Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Gojyo, I really indentify with him...our lives are kind of similar...
Least Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: I really don't have one...unless of course you count Gojyo's mother and Nataku's Jesus-look alike father. Also, I didn't much care for most the heavenly people, they were boring.
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Gojyo/Sanzo...I don't know why, I just like the pairing. It seems to work out best.
Least favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: Any of the Sanzo-ikkou/any of the Homura-taichi. Just...wrong. No.

Anything else you have to say?

Let's see here...the reason I indentify with Gojyo so much mother. She's a paranoid schizophrenic and has treated me much like Gojyo's mother did him a lot in the last couple of years. I've even been threatened with an axe before.

I get the nickname "Kappa" because I absolutely love cucumbers. It's my favorite food really. And a friend and I went to a restaurant somewhere in which I ended up with a full plate of kappa maki, and she stole one and I attacked her with my chops sticks. She then goes "Damn, you are such a freaking kappa!" and the name stuck.

I seem to have the devil's luck, there are so many times where I could've been killed/horribly maimed but I wasn't.

I have a serious fear of abandonment and being alone, I don't know where they came from, may have been from being the outcast at school when I was younger. Everyone hated me.

I have a soft spot for children. They love me, I've even had children follow me around. Children I don't even know!

I tend to be a cheerful, laid back flirt most of the time. But piss me off and I can be cold, unmericful and unyeilding. I don't usually hold a grudge but there are times when I do. I'm sort of the "big brother/sister" type...even though I'm a girl...I've been mistaken for a guy so many times that it's not funny. I don't mind though. ^_^

I have deep dark brown eyes that, according to my friends, seem to be a dark red color sometimes. Woohoo.

And I look damn good as a redhead. Or so I've been told. o_O

I think that's it. Damn...I talk a lot...

Here's some pictures!

(The only full shot of me that I know of that's not a Saiyuki cosplay and not fuzzy as heck. ><

Okay I'm done now. >.>
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