"Where's the Jack Daniel's gone?"

Nov 05, 2008 16:33

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Name: Maria
Nicknames:Sara, Merry (believe it or notXD)
Age: 22

Favourite number is 9, since forever; don't know why.
My favourite type of music is punk rock, but my favourite song in all time is "Now and Then" by Blackmore's Night. I also dig japanese music (and musiciansXD)
My favourite season is spring, because the weather is nicest, and people are more cheerful too, my favoruite animals are wolfs or cats.
My favourite magical creature are vampires, and I like to dress in gothic-punk clothes .
I love films. Favourite filmakers are Steven Spielberg, both Coppolas, Fritz Lang, Hitchcock, Murnau, Lars von Trier, Tim Burton, Baz Luhrmann and the incredible freak that is Kevin SmithXD
And finally, I love books. They're my most precious possesion

-Weak, pessimistic or dependent people. I'm probably the opposite to them, and I get very frustrated and treat them harshly without meaning to,so I tyr to avoid them.
-Making myths out of people and/or artists/musicians/actors/whatever. I particularly hate groupies with a burning passion, as I think almost any music style has stupid fans and a tendency toward machismo.
-Machismo and discriminaiton toward women.
Old people frustrate me to no end most of the time. Bratty kids, I want to slap. I have almost no respect for housewives under 40 years of age.

-Reading. I’m such a geek. I hardly go out, and when I do, it’s usually my friends pulling. Reading has been my life for many years; I have a very high capacity to absorb and memorize everything that I read, and I do so very fast. I like complicated reads, as well as light ones. I read everything that lands on my hands except for romance (except for Jane AustenXD).
-Travelling. I LOVE to go abroad; I wouldn’t say “no” to any journey to an unknown place, and many that I have been to. It’s fascinating and you find in this a richness that’s lacking from everything else in life.
-Writing. It’s how I want to live, so I better like itXD. I love writing for the same reasons I love reading. Though it tends to make me obsessed when I’m immersed in it. I'm very good at it, too, or so I've been told
-Discussion and arguing. I love this. My mom hates itXD. I feel enthusiasm sharing my conclusions and POVs, and acquiring new ones (and information) from other people. And, as I’m a VERY hard and aggressive discussion partner, I feel a lot of power while doing it

Strong Points:
-Self-assuredness/steem. When times are hard and things look bad, this keeps me going. When insults or treasons are thrown at or made to me, this keeps me over everyone. It sometimes breaches the line and becomes my worst quality, but I love it for what it’s worth
-Intelligence. Whatever I am, I’m not stupid. I’m, actually, very intelligent, and been told so by many different people during all my life. I thrive on it
-Optimism. I’m not cynical, or very rarely so. Optimism is the best way to be to enjoy life to the fullest and be happy and cheerful. It makes you able to think the best of everything, and the same quality forbids you to be very sad when you are let down: tomorrow will be better ^.^
-Uniqueness. I know everyone's unique in his/her own way, but too many times people say this about/to me that I had to post it. Many people say that, though I'm a hard person to be around most of the time, for the mix between being generally good at things and knowing it "too much", they still stick around me because I have "something special", there's something about me that screams "not like others" or something like that. As an incredibly conceited person most of the time, I obviously loved itXDXDXD

Weak Points:
-Arrogance. OMG, am I arrogant. And I know it, and I can’t do anything about it. I have a nice body, a sharp mind and a lot of talent at what I do. And people TELL ME. What am I supposed to think? Even so, I try to change it, since it makes my mother unhappy.
-Lazyness. This is bad, because it limits my experiences and makes it hard to work on ANYTHING. I try to change this really hard, but it’s difficult when everything’s so easy to do without doing my best.
-Naiveté. This comes from being so sheltered, and coming from a very exclusive world. This bites my ass when I try to establish romantic relationships, because I feel insecure, and that’s something I can’t stand. Trying hard to erase this one as well, but it’s proving hard.
-Harshness. I'm sometimes harsh to others, even without meaning to. I argue in a loud voice and an agressive manner, almost too agressive sometimes. I'm impatient with weak people many times, and discussing about other people's lives I often simplify things out of sheer frustration with that person

Your general mood: enjoying lazynessXD

Three positive words that describe you:self-assured, optimistic, ambitious
Three negative words that describe you: arrogant, lazy and selfish

Mature or immature: ImmatureXD. No question about that. Though I'm very mature where non-romantic relationships and social matters are concerned

Calm, normal, or hyper: Mostly normal, but I can be hyper at times and when talking or enjoying things I like

Outgoing or shy/reserved: I'm definitely not shy, but I'm not as outgoing as I appear on first glance

Optimist or pessimist: Optimistic. One of my defining characteristics

Act on impulse, or think things through: Generally impulsive, but that's cause I not a very rational person. Impulsive decisisions are the spice of life ^^

Passive or aggressive: I'm generally more passive out of laziness, but I can get pretty agressive if I don't get my way, if someone insults my family, or if any of my friends are threatened

Leader or follower: Leader, but that's only because leaders don't come in millions. If the right person appears, I have no problem following him/her

Night or day: Twilight is the most beautiful time of the day. But...well, it depends on the activity, doesn't it? ;-)

Summer or winter: Definitely summer, I prefer being hot than cold, and I love cold soups and swimming, and the bright and scarce clothes people wear when the weather's nice. Though there's something enchanting in spending an evening reading and cuddling with your partner near the chimney

Magic or weapons: Both! But I think it depends on the weapon. With a cool beautiful sword or a beautiful and fast gun, I would probably forego magic

Favourite Food: My favourite food is fried eggs with migas, something we do in Spain that I've never seen abroad

Favourite Animal: Wolves. They are beautiful, headstrong, loyal, practical and hard, but their whole life doesn't revolve about another like dogs' do
I also love cats, because they manage to be cute and huggable while being stuck-up jerksXD

Favourite Colour:Favorite color is Red. I've always been strongly attracted to that colour. Since I was a child, if I could pick any color for anything, I would pick red. It funny, because my second last name is "Rojo" which means "red" in Spanish. It's a summer color, strong, too bright, compliments dark skin rather nicely (and I have dark skin), it's a very fiery Spanish color, it attracts all the attention and can mean both very good and very bad things

Favourite Subject: I'm in college, and I'm studying Audiovisuals. My favourite subject is Staging and Directing Actors, mainly because the teacher is awesome

Favourite Place: Paris, without even having to think about it. It's the city of light, of love, of beauty and of arts. It's the only place in the world where you can see 4 of the most important museums int he world form the same place, where street painting have more charm than those located in museums and where having McDonald's under a 180 metres of iron chunk is the best plan everXD

You are at a restaurant and want to be alone. Someone you don't know very well sits at your table and starts chatting to you. What do you do? Chat a bit and sigh a lot so that person gets the idea they're unwanted. If the don't get it, I'll tell then, politely, I wished to be alone because something horrible (and obviously made up) had happened to me recently

How do you handle conflict (whether it be with others, or situational)? I usually wait to see if anyone takes charge, if no one does I do. If I have to defend someone I love, I stop at nothing and I cam get very very unpleasant. I try to argue and talk me out of trouble most of the time, though, and I'm usually very good at it.

How do other people tend to describe your personality? They usually say that I'm refreshingly optimistic and I don't like to complain, that I'm very lazy (whether that's good or bad depends on the friend in questionXD) and that I'm strong-willed and can convince anyone of anything. They also tell me that I have a healthy self-steem to the point of bordering on annoying arrogance

Who is your favourite Saiyuki character and why? Goku. I used to fall in love with cheerful, childish, kickass, powerful and caring characters; his "other darker side" attracts me strongly as well. I love his relationship with Sanzo's soul (that is, I love the relationship between Goku and that soul in every life they live)

Your least favourite Saiyuki character and why? Interestingly, Sanzo. I find him very whiny and too emo, he feels too sorry for himself at all times, which is stupid and tiring, considering he's had it the easiest out of the four lead guys. I can't understand him, and I find his personality nasty and disapointing, and his supposed "specialness" too cheese

Favourite pairing and why? Goku/Sanzo, obviously. As I said, I love their relationship, the huge power balance they have going there, Sanzo being emotionally abusive and, at the same time, caring, and being "on top" in that sense, but Goku being much more powerful than him. Goku's darker side throws a wild variable there that thrills me. I love fics about Goku suddenly growing up and growing very hot, and Sanzo disturbingly finding himself attracted to his ward and attracted AT ALL to anyone, seeing his past issues and his vows (not that he cares about them muchXD)

Anything else? Not really. Well, I love Hazel as well ^^

Please include a picture or description of what you look like.


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