x Name: Lindsey
Nicknames: Rin/Rinji, Aaya, Zee
Age: 24
Likes: Candy, sugar, sweets in general, anime/manga, cooking, cleaning, music of all kinds, reading, studying, learning new things, fine food, drinking, being outside, cats, shopping, antiques, sewing, knitting, sculpting, making charms, making jewelry, baking, travel, flowers, culture, kids, classical literature, tea(!!!), iced coffee drinks, makeup, fighting games, actually I kinda like most games ^^; but mostly ones based on strategy or reaction time, hot showers, swimming, driving, spending time with other people, interior decorating, fortune telling, feng shui, superstition, art(!!!), painting, making graphics, sketching, singing, and lots of other stuff.
Dislikes: People who get upset with people over stupid crap, screaming (angry kind, if it's happy-based screaming I'm mostly alright with it), intolerant people, people who are impatient with others, being screamed at, being criticized, upsetting others or making them angry or depressed, people hating me, not being accepted, feeling guilty, being used, being weak or showing weakness, when people put me on the spot, not coming through for my friends, failing, being looked down on for my past or the fact that I haven't gotten very far so far, people taking sides against me, black licorice (but oddly, sen-sen is just fine), losing, being sexually harassed or hit on in a vulgar way, people making assumptions about me, people who think they own me because I told them something personal, being abandoned, etc.
Hobbies: Writing, sewing, sculpting, making jewelry, making accessories, painting, knitting, designing things, decorating, singing, playing my yokobue, listening to music, taking long walks, reading, shopping (when I have the money... usually I get clothes/lingerie/accessories, books, candy or incense/feng shui items/magickal items/etc., or Tea... I kinda hoard tea, though through my moving around so much I've given a lot of it away and I still have too much), studying, gardening, flower arranging... really, in general, I'm partial to making things and learning how things are made and learning about other cultures and about older versions of magick and superstition. I'm also pretty partial to studying mathematical and logical things like computers and physics ^^; I'm interested in learning just about anything. Everything is fascinating. (In Nursing school when our lecturing teacher would announce the subject, everyone groaned and hit their heads off of their desks and I was in front row, thrusting my fist into the air screaming, "FUCKS YEAH!" and my classmates would throw hard glares in my direction. Though our teachers often got mad at me for correcting them. And for knowing answers no one was supposed to know yet.)
Strong Points: Intelligent, "gifted", great problem solver, creative, good listener, understanding, amusing/fun/funny, good reaction time (my friends often joke, calling me a ninja because I tend to dodge things that come out of nowhere), hard to make panic, hard to startle, easy going, determined, driven, perfectionist (is this a good point or a bad point?), knowledgeable, friendly, brave (sometimes to the point of stupidity), loyal, honest, great cook, good sense of humor, gets along with almost anyone (offline), good with animals, good with kids, quick learner, I'm awesome at logic puzzles (verbal and physical) which shocks those around me who think of me as being terribly illogical, awesome as a student, strong willed, good at growing stuff, there's lots, really ^^;;
Weak Points: easily made to feel guilty, hard on self, can be high strung concerning self though easy going concerning others, not very communicative about moods or problems (offline I'm mostly smiling and laughing even when I feel like shit and won't confess when I've been crying), I often fail to ask for things that I need which causes problems later down the road, can be a bit arrogant/narcissistic and can sometimes look down on others in competition (which no one seems to see coming because I'm usually pretty nice, but I was like that a great deal as a child), prone to stressing self out over personal high standards to the point that I get stress headaches that become debilitating migraines, weak immune system (I get sick pretty often), psychosomatic illnesses and physical problems (another reason I get sick often, but it also causes my hands to become blood stained for weeks at a time during which I have to hide them in my pockets, behind my back, or in gloves), easy to manipulate, hyper-sensitive, a bit naive, too trusting, too forgiving, tendency to brood, can be pretty moody but often won't confess to any of it, I also take on more responsibility than I can legitimately handle in hopes to lighten everyone elses load but then tend to crush myself under the weight of the stress but will STILL refuse help... I can be really self-sacrificing when it's not necessary -.-; I also tend to do whatever it takes for people to like me because not being loved or accepted bothers me excessively. I can also be a little bit OCPD, as I tend to clean things and have a hard time resisting doing so unless I'm depressed, and I can also be a little ADHD as I have a hard time focusing on one thing for even a small amount of time and subject jump a lot.
Your general mood: Mostly I seem pretty happy and easy going and am usually smiling and joking but sometimes people have a hard time guessing if I am genuinely happy or if I'm just smiling for them. Sometimes they call right and sometimes they call wrong. I deny them either way. I just don't like burdening others with my emotions ^^; online it's a bit different, I'm more honest on here.
Three positive words that describe you: Elegant, intelligent, humorous
Three negative words that describe you: Neurotic, self-destructive, over-protective
Mature or immature: Immature, mostly lol I tend to pout and beg and whine and glomp people. I also like to fuck with others minds using wry humor, all for my own amusement and so on. But mostly immature in amusing ways. I can be mature when the time calls for it and often times I'm immature around people who are mature and understand the humor, and I'm mature around people who are immature. I tend to shift in order to balance the group so no one is too serious and so no one gets into any real trouble.
Calm, normal, or hyper: I go to extremes with both calm and hyper. I can be extremely loud and hyper, especially when excited about the days venue and who I'm spending time with. But when I'm around strangers or in situations I'm unsure of, or around people older than me, I tend to be very quiet and calm to the point where it bothers everyone. "You're TOO QUIET! Say something!!" "Like what?" "Anything! You're creeping me out!" "Anything?" "YES! PLEASE!" "...Um... well... uh...." "That's not helping." "^^; Sorry."
Outgoing or shy/reserved: I can be very outgoing and tend to talk to strangers and make conversation in line at stores or harass people at cons and clubs and such, but I can also be really shy and hide behind people or find a corner to sit where I feel more secure and just listen instead of talking. Really I prefer listening to others talk rather than speaking, myself. I guess I miss peoples voices when it's too quiet. But as a general rule, if I have a chance to be around people, I take that chance. I don't often prefer to be alone.
Optimist or pessimist: I can be pessimistic when I'm depressed and I often make cynical/pessimistic jokes, but I can also be very optimistic.
Act on impulse, or think things through: I used to act on impulse. I was raised to think rather than act, but after a while things got twisted and I just started to succumbing to sudden urges. I guess it was experiencing too much fight or flight where a split second decision mattered and you had to just push through the right or wrong choice. But I've been doing my best to control impulses. Consequently I've been getting into less fights, I've been damaging myself less, and my mother hasn't been punched in her mouth... I'm almost disappointed in that last one, though, as I think it would make me feel a lot better if I could just deck her for her atrocious behavior. Alas, doing the right thing is hard.
Passive or aggressive: I'm mostly pretty passive but if someone pushes the wrong buttons for long enough, or fucks with my friends, they're going down. They're going down before they can say another word. I'm pretty tolerant and I take a lot of crap, but when you've pushed far enough, I'll have to make you eat dirt. And no one... absolutely no one screws with my friends.
Leader or follower: I usually follow because I have no preference most of the time to what's going on. I'm often just happy not to be alone. But when the leader sucks or when everyone is panicking and no one knows what to do, I'm the first one giving out orders and getting shit done and making things better. Really I'm kind of a natural born leader but I really don't like leading lol
Night or day: Night... it's very peaceful and in the summer it's really perfect in temperature.
Summer or winter: I really kind of like both ^^; I like how lively summer is and the fact that I don't have to wear layers anymore but I also really love winter for all of the snow and the incredible silence that night has to offer. In the winter, when it used to snow several feet, it was hard to get me to come in. I'd be out all night and day, just sitting in the snow. I think winter usually gets less points from me because of Christmas. I find Christmas kind of depressing because it used to be great, but I don't really have family anymore except my sister, her husband and my niece. But since my niece was just recently born, I want to think that Christmas might have a bit more joy than it has the past few years.
Magic or weapons: I think either one is fine, really lol I used to get back at my classmates who would beat me up or torment me, using magick. Dark side of me... I'm not really afraid of black magick or voodoo. I just don't stick to it all the time, I use anything I learn. But I'm also a pretty awesome aim with a gun and I've been in a sword fight before and almost won until a hostage was taken and I had to drop my sword. (Did I mention my past was strange?)
Favourite Food: I usually go for sweets (cake, brownies, candy, etc.) but let's pretend those don't count. I would probably say Japanese food because I'm huge on seafood. I really love sashimi and miso soup. Although I'm not actually very picky.
Favourite Animal: I love most animals so this one is pretty hard ^^; I really like snakes, though. I can kind of relate to them. But I've mostly owned cats and mice/rats. I like birds, too, though. =\ Hard question
Favourite Colour: White with Red in a close second. Symbolic.
Favourite Subject: English/Art for high school... Anatomy for college. I was pretty awesome in Lit. class and my teacher was speaking to my sister's in-laws and told them I was probably the smartest student she'd ever had in class. But I loved Art because I love making things and being able to do things my own way. And Anatomy is pretty amazing. ^^; I went for Nursing for a short time and was at the top of my class. I love learning.
Favourite Place: I don't know. Everywhere I've been now holds sad memories. I guess places I haven't been yet is my favorite place. I like seeing new things and going new places and having new experiences, so I guess I'd be most excited being those places. I never seem to sit still and settle enough to get attached to any place. At least for any happy memories that might happen again.
You are at a restaurant and want to be alone. Someone you don't know very well sits at your table and starts chatting to you. What do you do?:
I'd probably apologize and ask who they are. (I'm bad with names and faces, anyway.) Regardless I'd probably continue talking to them, politely until they had to go or until I had to and say good bye. It seems that either I've remet with someone I knew and forgot, or I made a new friend. Either way it's fine, right? Although I'm sure I'd do my best to remember them if I knew them previously. I'm kind of suspicious of people at times ^^; Considering how much trouble I've gotten into, and how my past has come back to haunt me a few times, I think I'd prefer to be on top of the situation so as to watch what I'm saying and to be on guard. But maybe the conversation will make me not want to be alone anymore? I rarely actually desire solitude. ^^;
How do you handle conflict (whether it be with others, or situational)?:
I avoid conflict. I will bend ridiculous directions in order to avoid conflict. I will break my own standards for other peoples behaviors just not to fight. After a time I will explain that I have a problem. But once they disregard what I said and start getting through my pet peeves I will continue to smile but tend to make scathing and vague remarks. If it continues, it turns pretty ugly pretty fast. It takes a whole lot to make me raise my voice, but once you have me screaming at the top of my lungs, you'd better back off. It means I'm probably unable to help myself if I get the urge to grab you by your shirt and serve a KO.
How do other people tend to describe your personality?:
Description varies. Some people believe I will do nothing but betray them, that I can't be trusted and that I'm a back stabber. Others believe me to be loyal to the point of idiocy knowing very well I would never do anything that would put them in harms way. A lot of people say I'm extremely intelligent, almost to the point of genius. Others see me as a total idiot with no common sense and no sense of understanding other people. I can be extremely cheerful and easy going and fun to be around and loud and adventurous but I can also come off as cold and distant, self-loathing, high-strung, and painfully shy and quiet. They all agree that I'm a contradiction without being a hypocrite. And that I can be difficult to handle. Other people insist there's nothing wrong with me except that I seem to never believe there's nothing wrong with me. All I know is that I always try to do the right thing and that everyone agrees that I'm kind and that I worry too much what others think of me and that I'm strong (though I disagree) because of all of the shit I've gone through and can still smile despite it. They all also agree that I'm creative and that they're happy because I forgive them almost instantly and accept flaws in them that no one else seems able to. Most people find me fascinating, pretty, and mysterious although my friends all scream at me for being so open. I'm open about things that others would have issues discussing. The stuff I hide is much worse than all of that. Just that it seems no one can imagine things being worse than what I share, I guess lol
Who is your favourite Saiyuki character and why?
I'd probably say Hakkai because I feel able to relate to him most of all the characters.
Your least favourite Saiyuki character and why?
Probably Goku. It's not that I hate him or anything, but I guess it's the constant whining about food. I know that's a distinctive trait and all, but...
Favourite pairing and why?
Forgive me for not answering this but I don't really have a favorite pairing. Or more like I don't want to share my favorite pairing. I'd like to plead the fifth and hope you can judge my personality by other factors than this. ^^;
Anything else?
Doesn't seem so ^^ I just know I'd better wrap this up quick before my adopting roomie comes home to a mess. (Not that she particularly cares if the place is a mess, but I'd feel crappy if she came home to find me sitting here having done nothing all day. Although she seemed uneasy when I mentioned I had the odd desire to clean her room for her.)
Please include a picture or description of what you look like.
You probably can't tell in these pictures but I'm pretty tall for a girl. I'm 5'9", but a lot of people say I seem taller than that. I'm not sure what that matters for, but I figured I might as well add it on. X3
Thanks for reading. ♥