Title: Sanzo Sleeps with Everyone
Author: Kubaru Suki
Prompt: #2 Unexplored Territory
Warnings: Fairly worksafe but for the mouth on Sanzo
Pairings: There might be some 85 in there?
Time: 39:47
Author's note: The first time you sleep with anybody always involves a bit of give-and-take.
Sanzo sleeps with Everyone
"Naaa, Sanzo! Sa-n-zo! Sanzo!"
"What? What is it, you infuriating little chimp?"
Goku smiled at him. Beamed at him. As open and guileless as any stupid monkey could be. "It's cold tonight!"
He gritted his teeth and passed a hand over his eyes. "What. Do. You. Want?" he asked again. Sanzo looked at him impassively, waiting for him to explain the reason for his midnight visit. There had to be something he wanted, Sanzo reasoned, and he was the only person stupid enough to give Goku anything at all.
Goku's smile dropped off.
And a second later Sanzo felt cold air and then cold skin as Goku crawled into the bed beside him.
"What the hell?" he demanded, pushing himself away and absolutely aghast as Goku squirmed closer to him. He needed to hit him with something. As hard as he could as many times as he could.
"It's cold alone," Goku said and for once he actually looked his age.
Sanzo let himself drop back down to the bed. "Tch," he muttered. His arm was around Goku's shoulders but that was because Goku was a pest. An annoying, loud-mouthed brat.
"Naa, Sanzo…"
"You can shut up or you can die."
He was reading because there was nothing fascinating about a newspaper that was eight days old. He scowled when he heard the door behind him open. Only Goku was stupid enough to disturb him when he'd settled himself in the monastery's library. "Go back to bed, monkey, before I blow your brains out."
"Ahhhh, haha I'm terribly sorry to intrude," said a voice that was not Goku's. He flicked the pages down and peered over them.
"Cho Hakkai," he said. It wasn't a greeting and it wasn't a question.
Cho Hakkai, former spree-killer Cho Gonou, smiled at him pleasantly. "Yes."
Sanzo flicked his paper back up, dismissing him. He wasn't very surprised when he heard rustling and then felt a weight settle opposite him. Some distant part of his brain yammered at him about how Cho Hakkai was his responsibility now. It sounded a lot like Goku, whining for food. "Problem?" he asked without looking up. Just to shut that voice up.
"Oh, no, not at all," the other man said. Still pleasant.
It was gone two in the morning and it was raining steadily. He flicked the paper down again with an irritated sigh. "Yeah," he snorted.
Hakkai's smile stayed openly pleasant. "Oh, no, it's really nothing. I'm afraid I'm simply not used to sleeping by myself yet," he said cheerfully. "There was the orphanage and then married life and then that guy…"
He kept looking over his folded down newspaper. Cho Hakkai might not have been dangerous but he was still a freak. "You had thirty days to get used to it."
"I've only been in the temple for a week," Hakkai corrected genially, his face a smiling mask.
Sanzo kept his gaze steady. "You had thirty days."
"Ah, well," Hakkai's smile stayed in place but something about it became more…real. "I don't recall that I slept." His hand flexed as though grasping something, his knuckles going white even as his hand did not close into a fist.
"Hm." Sanzo raised his paper again. "That happens."
And the rain continued to fall steady on the temple roof.
"You know, you're just ridiculously pretty."
Sanzo scowled at the ceiling. "Would you like to die?" he demanded. He was too tired for the kappa's shit drunk-talk. No wonder Hakkai had wanted to room with Goku.
"No, really, man, you are. Hakkai's fucking pretty, you know? He's just fucking pretty but you…" There was the sound of somebody trying to strip in the dark and tripping over themselves. "It's just absurd how pretty you are."
"Shut up or die."
Gojyo was a sudden, painfully heavy weight on top of him. A reeking, heavy weight. "Wouldya like me better if you killed me?" he asked. It was dark but he could hear the perfect sincerity in his voice.
"No. Nothing could make me like you. More OR less."
"Oh. You sure?"
"Yes. Now go to sleep you fucking drunk."
"'Kay." Sounding stupidly happy, Gojyo rolled out of bed-Sanzo heard him hit the floor-and was still.
"Stupid fucking drunk pervert," Sanzo muttered, kicking his blanket off the bed.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Go sleep with-" thud, thud, thudthudthud. "Oh, fuck it. Get in."
And the bonus bit for which I could not find a place!
His first memory is painful. Fear. Dark. Silence. And then warmth and golden light and Shhh, Kouryuu, it was just a dream. I'm here.