Title: Transform Author: Sunspot Rating: PG 13 Note: This was an Advent Challenge story and a gift for Laurose. A fairy tale. Written before I learned (thanks to Laurose) of the Jeep-Goujun connection.
This is utterly gorgeous. I adore the idea of a dragon speech that sounds like singing, and the description of the sound is wonderful. I also like how there is a very dreamlike feel, mirroring how Hakkai feels during those moments;
And in these quiet places, far from the others with their noise and their needs, Jeep (for it is always Jeep who reaches out) will draw him near, and whisper his songs as they lie down, whisper at Hakkai’s ear and into his mouth, and for a time the words are clear as the bells they echo.
Just. Gorgeous. I also love the last repeat of 'transform' - it's very poignant, and it's sharpness stands out against the dreaminess of the preceding few lines.
Thank you so very much. I was going for a sort of "time out of time" like when people in old legends spend time in the fairy world. So glad it worked for you.
Comments 6
And in these quiet places, far from the others with their noise and their needs, Jeep (for it is always Jeep who reaches out) will draw him near, and whisper his songs as they lie down, whisper at Hakkai’s ear and into his mouth, and for a time the words are clear as the bells they echo.
Just. Gorgeous. I also love the last repeat of 'transform' - it's very poignant, and it's sharpness stands out against the dreaminess of the preceding few lines.
Love it ♥
This was awesome ♥
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