I realised that I've never done any sort of introductory post about myself, and you guys don't have a damned clue about me other than the fact that I write your smut. So, here wo go.
My real name is Bonnie, and my birthday is 4/14/1987, which makes me twenty years old. At this very moment, I have completed two semesters of college toward my English degree with a Creative Writing focus, and I have written several original short stories that were mostly done for a class. I completed those two semesters at University of Tennessee--Knoxville, because I used to live in Knoxville/surrounding areas. By "used to live," I mean that I was raised there, but I do not live there any more.
Now, I live in Michigan with a boy I met on the internet when I was a junior in high school. His name is Ethan, and he's an incredible handful. We have all kinds of pets because I work in the pet industry (I am a fish breeder for a local pet store and don't make enough money for it): a red Siberian Husky named Marius, two grey cats named Bea and Petra, and two fat boyrats named Atticus and Cyrus. We also have a small fishtank. All of my breeding happens at my job, where I, along with my boss, manage several hundred tanks and several hundred betta vases all by our lonesome. He is currently in Cuba, which means I'm managing all those on my own. I can cut fish up and tell what's wrong with them after they're dead. Awesome.
I'm very thin at 5'7'' and 103 pounds. I had long hair for about two years before I chopped it all off again in April of this year, and so now it's adorable and short, but it needs color. My natural hair color is that dishwater brown-blond shit color that looks like hell, and I hate it. In the past, I always kept it red when it was this short, and so I think we're about to go there again...But, I might bleach it instead. I also might dye it purple because I'm fighting with Ethan and he deserves a good shock (I always dyed it purple when I was younger).
My favorite band is Maroon 5 again, because I love their new CD omg. I also really, really love Third Eye Blind. I have all their CDs and turn scary when I hear them. I play all kinds of games, though I have a few favorites. These include: Final Fantasy IX, Animal Crossing, The Legend of Zelda series, Sims2, and World of Warcraft. I also love pretty much every Mario game ever. I grew up in the nineties; shut up.
I'm writing a book about the enslavement of two people after biological warfare wipes out a huge percentage of the world's population. There will be a shout-out to H/D shippers in my book. I've been writing gift-fics for a few people lately, which is fun, and I'm currently working on my gift-fic for
ravenna_c_tan, which features fugitive!Draco wasting away in Grimmauld Place. My next H/D fic after "Sectumsempra Animi" will be "The Sky Was Orange," which is about a nuclear-war-torn wizarding world in which Harry leads a group of revolutionaries seeking to overthrow the Ministry of Magic. It's not an AU, and it's very depressing. It is difficult to estimate word count from my timeline, but I can pretty much guarantee it will be 100-150K words, which is more than I've ever written in a fic.
I love diseases and disorders because I don't have any while everyone in my family does. Most of my mental-disorder fics, if not all of them, focus on a disease that either runs in my family (paranoid schizophrenia runs rampant in my line, and my uncle has DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder). I have also read a lot of material on these disorders.
I have very pretty feet and blue-grey eyes. My face is very feminine, which sucks because I would like to pass for a boy just because. I have a great figure, thankyouverymuch, that would be much more hourglass-shaped if I had wider hips. I kind of have boy hips, which is fine because I already smash into everything with them and couldn't IMAGINE if they were wider, for fuck's sake. I eat like a perpetually starving man because it takes a lot of energy to work in the environment I do (80-85 degrees F, 100% humidity at all times) and not pass out.
Centipedes freak me the fuck out. I am afraid of deep water and icebergs. I am trying to nab a job in Antarctica.
And that's me. :D