So, I've written a teaser for my upcoming fic, "The Sky was Orange". Still no summary or warnings yet, though I know all of them, but here's your teaser. It IS a Harry/Draco fic.
Title: Scream Author: Sakaim Word count: 340 Prompt: 012: Scream Pairing: None Summary: James is very jealous of Remus. Warnings: None. ( 012: Scream )
I am about to begin a short dash to the end of Ambivalent Lucidity, which will have in total twenty-two chapters, one epilogue, and just over 50K words. We are currently on chapter 17
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Title: Strength Author: sakaim Word count: 247 Rating: PG Prompt: 11: Strength Summary: Remus finds strength within himself he never knew he had. Warnings: Sirius death.