Seven Deadly Memes

Apr 04, 2006 00:05

Demanded by the Mistress of the Kitchen herself.

1. How long can you sit in front of the tv without wanting to kill yourself? Depends on who's with me.
2. Describe your ultimate day of relaxation. At the beach, margarita in hand, lying back on a hammock with a beautiful woman lying beside me.
3. Do you prefer your work environment to be fast paced and stimulating or comfortably routine? Fast paced, I don't enjoy being bored.
4. Do you do laundry on a regular basis, or do you wait until you're turning socks inside out? Regular basis.
5. Do you prefer to take the stairs or wait for the elevator? Alone? Stairs. With someone? Elevator.

1. What's your comfort food? Southern Comfort, no pun intended.
2. What's the most you've ever eaten? Half a turkey.
3. What's your favourite restaurant? Aurora's.
4. What's the grossest thing you've ever consumed? Cheap beer.
5. What eating habits disgust you the most? Chewing with your mouth open.

1. Have you ever caused someone physical harm deliberately? Of course, though I don't make a habit of it.
2. What mundane things in life frustrate you the most? Inconveniences.
3. Have you ever had a screaming match in public? No.
4. Which celebrity do you wish would just drop dead? None, wishing death upon someone isn't my style.
5. Do you believe in the death penalty? If the transgression warrants it.

1. In your opinion, what separates a healthy sexual appetite from being a slut? Self-respect, or lack thereof.
2. Would you date a really nice, attractive, person with herpes? Not likely.
3. Have you ever experienced coyote ugly? Beautiful women having elaborate drink pouring skills? All the time at work.
4. What’s the lowest you’ve stooped to get the object of your desire? That one's a secret.
5. Who do your loins burn for? A buddy of mine had that problem, took some penicillin and cleared it right up.

1. Would you ever lead someone on if it was financially beneficial to you? Never.
2. What's the most expensive thing you own? My motorcycle.
3. What's more important, job satisfaction or a fat paycheck? Job satisfaction with a nice paycheck.
4. How much money would it take for you to whore yourself out? Wait... people get money for that?!
5. Would you be morally opposed to stealing something if you knew you could? Depends on what it was.

1. Who do you aspire to be like? Hugh Hefner. Not really, but you can't deny the man respect.
2. Does it bother you when your significant other is friendly with members of the opposite sex? Not at all, so long as she doesn't mind me doing the same.
3. Does the amount of media attention that someone like Paris Hilton obtains seem unjust? Not really, it's just saddening.
4. Has your own unhappiness ever caused you to unintentionally resent the happiness of another person? Nope, though I'm usually not unhappy.
5. Have you ever changed to fit in with a desirable group? Why would I do that?

1. Do you have a problem admitting you’re wrong? Only when I'm mistaken.
2. Would you rather watch someone important to you walk out of your life or beg them to stay? Convince them to stay, would be my choice of words.
3. Are you the kind of person who would rather try your best and fail, or not try for fear of failure? Try my best and succeed, try some more if I fail.
4. Have you ever expressed interest in someone high above your status, where your chances of being rejected were very high? All the time. Sadly, there seems to be a trend in my results. But at least I'm too stubborn to know when to quit.
5. If you made a contribution to a charity would you want credit, or would giving be enough? I'd want to see the results of my contribution, nothing more.
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