This challenge is fun because I've had to locate each of the books and fuss getting them ready for their portrait and it was lovely thinking about them and all the conversations I've had about them. Originally, I read it for a course on Science Fiction. That was such a wonderful course!
I read LeGuin's Earthsea Books, but for some reason never got to this one. Which is weird since it's probably her best known. I'm making a list of things I need to get to...
I know. This is going to be the outcome of this meme; everyone's to-read lists are going to have become much longer. It's like browsing one another's bookshelves.
I read the Earthsea books many years later and enjoyed them, but they aren't as intense as TLHoD.
Comments 12
I'm beaming here because, yes! One I love too and haven't read in waaaaay too long. Thank you!
This challenge is fun because I've had to locate each of the books and fuss getting them ready for their portrait and it was lovely thinking about them and all the conversations I've had about them. Originally, I read it for a course on Science Fiction. That was such a wonderful course!
I read the Earthsea books many years later and enjoyed them, but they aren't as intense as TLHoD.
You could share a couple of thoughts in the comments, to whet appetites further...
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