Title: Beautiful War
Verse: TFA, AUish
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Steelwing (OC)
Word Count: 316
Warnings: Dark Themes
Summary: The sheer destruction of the war was bliss...
Notes: Last time I'll spam your F-List's tonight folks. This is just a short little drabble about one of my OCs. Very fun to write and more OC stories like this will be posted...
OC Profile Found Here. Below her, the city burned.
Ashes hung, suspended in the air, tickling her plating in gentle caresses. The pleasing essence of smoke touched her olfactory sensors.
“There is little more beautiful than this…” Steelwing murmured, tilting her head as she let crimson optics dart across the glowing horizon.
Somewhere in the distance, an organic screamed. Such fragile life… So very easy to extinguish. With the flick of a wrist, something would snap, their essence, their soul, their spark of life… Gone.
A jet shrieked past her, a Decepticon emblem shining bright against its wings.
“Enjoying the show?” a voice chuckled though her comm-link.
“Occasionally, I am content to merely observe…” she purred back.
The jet chuckled through the link, circling around the femme once more before screaming back toward the battle. Ashes swirled around her.
Steelwing’s optics glittered, a sense of peace settling over her systems as a rain of bombs fell from her comrade’s cargo hold.
Buildings burst, cracking open as they fell. Fire settled over the area, embracing it with a dancing grace.
Something stirred within her. A hunger, a desire. Her clawed fingers twitched at her side.
“I lied…” she cooed across the comm-link.
“I knew you couldn’t resist.”
Calm, peace, she hated it. Even her own sense of it, draped in the mad chaos of war that she loved… It had to be broken.
Stability, hers or otherwise, would be shattered.
There was no hesitation; she threw herself over the edge. Energy coursing through her lines, she basked in the rush of the fall, content to let her danger prolong.
Her form shifted, wings fanning out along her back. Metal pulled painfully against the resistance. Just before it folded away into her frame, a malicious grin lit her features.
Finally, her thrusters roared to life, hurling the lithe purple jet up and away from the approaching ground.
Below her, the city burned.
Beta'd by
And I swear, Steelwing is usually much more fun than this. 8D