So as some of you were aware, we've been having a lot of problems with the house this year.
1) We have rats thanks to Zhyne leaving food everywhere and letting the dishes pile and never taking out the garbage.
2) Neither the Realtor or the exterminator has done enough to help with the rat problem.
3) We were missing cable and Internet for about 2-3 weeks into September and we want an abatement since it was included in our contracts.
4) Yard waste left by the contractor was not taken care of until we went to Off-Campus Housing and called the city. Could easily attract more rodents.
5) The house was gross when we moved in. Realtor didn't do a thing about cleaning it up after Zhyne left so Kat, her parents, and I cleaned the house by ourselves.
6) Basement was not clean. The old fridge and microwave was GROSS. They didn't bother bringing in a new fridge and microwave until we went to OCH and called the city.
7) Realtor just not being responsive (or responsible) enough, not to mention that he's a compulsive liar.
And just when we thought things were starting to settle down, we had a HUGE incident yesterday. I left the house at 10am for a class and came back at around 11:30. The house had a weird, rancid stench. I automatically thought that there must be a dead rat somewhere, possibly in the vent, since the smell was being carried all around the house. Fatema comes back and she also notices a smell. She goes down to the basement and the smell was especially strong down there.
There was also dirty water on the floor of the basement, which was weird because it wasn't like there was anything leaking from the main floor. But man, the stink was REALLY bad, so we called Jawad and told him to get someone in to help figure out what it was.
As it turns out, the smell was coming from a drain in the basement floor and these cleaners were coming back later to clean up. They leave.
I had to go pee. I flush the toilet, wash my hands and go back to the basement to turn off the lights and well. Shit blew up. Literally. There was sewage all over the basement floor! Kat and I panic and call the Realtor and tell him that we need someone to come IMMEDIATELY but the best he could do was wait for the "cleaners" to come back at 7/8pm. But obviously, with something like this, you can't just CLEAN the mess and hope it doesn't happen again. There's obviously something wrong with our pipes! We try to hassle Jawad to call a plumber but he claims that the cleaners can take care of it, that he's better than a plumber. Oh fuck you.
So the four of us return to the house at around 6:30 and it was suffocating. The windows were all open, we sprayed Febreze everywhere, nothing helped. We went to double check on the mess and as it turns out, there was still water flowing out of the drain! Cynthia panicked the most, and rightfully so, because if this kept up, the water would eventually flow into her room.
The cleaners didn't show up until it was closer to 8pm and we asked them what they were going to do, because obviously, just cleaning the mess wasn't going to help. They didn't speak English very well and left almost right away. They said they needed to call Jawad or something, I dunno. But we're like wtf, where are you going?! So we called Jawad and told him the cleaners just left, and basically, they felt like we were hassling them so they left. Jawad called them back and they showed up around 8:40-ish to start cleaning. Jawad came with them.
They started cleaning the mess and then brought in something to dig through the drain and well... it made a bigger mess. We demanded Jawad to call a professional plumber in and so he did. They cleaners finished cleaning at around midnight. The pipe was a bit more clear now but the water still moved very slow. Meanwhile, the girls left one by one to go sleep elsewhere because who wants to sleep in a house that smells like shit?
Anyway, the plumber didn't show up until today in the afternoon and they basically said that there are roots clogging the drain and a lot more work needs to be done. And you know what that means? That means that we can't use the shower, do laundry, or go poo until the pipes are cleared. It's gonna cost Jawad almost $2.7k to do that, there's no fucking way he's gonna get this done right away.
So the girls in the basement have decided to move out since they haven't signed the lease yet. Kat and I decided that if we're gonna talk to Jawad about cancelling the contract, now is definitely the time. So we're planning to go to Off-Campus Housing tomorrow and look for a new place. However, Kat's mom calls in and she's forcing Kat to move back to TO this very weekend and commute to Mac instead.
I definitely want to get out of the house too but what the hell, where am I supposed to go? And who am I supposed to live with?
As much as I like the idea of living by myself, it's extremely expensive. And I'm sure my parents would definitely not approve of that. And well, it is safer to live with someone just in case something does happen.
So anyway, I dunno. I'm stumped. And I'm sick. And I have so much work to do but it's so hard to be motivated when all this shit is happening all at once.
What the fuck is this?