Waiii~ Ureshii des~u ♥♥♥♥
I had to share the love with you guys ritenao (Is writing in school again ) XD Remember I told you last week I had my first (University) exam in Math (Specifically, Linear Algebra) ? Well, I got my results back today annnnnnnnd ... I got an A- !! :D Waiiii~ I'm sooooo happy ! I was sure I had done a million mistakes XDDD in the end, I only made 4 :P This calls for a serious celebration *party mode*. Srsl, with everything that's been going on lately, this is the best thing that's happened to me in a loooooong time ... ANYWHO, I shall celebate by giving it my all on a Hetalia fanart XDDDD hahahahaha *shot* (It's Lithuania's Bday today o nthe 16th *fails* ! :D) ohhhh~ Maybe I'll go downtown after classes and pick up KKM vol.2 (that I've been holding back on buying for a long time ... idk, I guess I felt sorta guilty buying something for no real reason XDDD). Okies so, enough of hat :P How about some updates, ne?
-I started my new semester of piano 2 weeks ago and, for some unknown reason, I was completely unable to play/learn ANYTHING. Yesterday I had a lesson in the evening and I had A LOT of practice to do so, I worked alllllll day on my pieces and, finally succeeded in playing correctly ^3^ Anywho, all that to say that I'm working on two new pieces: "Morning Prayer" by Tchaikovsky & "Torreador"by some random dude who I can't remember his name XDDD (It's a contemporary piece, which explains my lack of motivation ^^; ... I much prefer classical ♥)
-hahahahaha *shot* Why am I talking about weather? Well, yesterday, as you must already know, England had a massive snowfall, which caused the whole city of London to close down .... *rofl* for 12cm of snow .... XDDD After I nearly died of laughter at that tidbit of worldly news, our own canadian forecasters predicted another 6 weeks of winter for us, because the groundhog didn't see his shadow ... hence, he's gone back in hiding for another month or so .... Yes, we base our weather analysis on a GROUNDHOG .... Ridiculous eh? So anyway, while London was at a stand still because of a few inches, we got the marvelous news, by a very reliable source (not!) that winter isn't done with us yet. XD Srsl, I've got about 8 feet of snow on my front lawn, and about 10 at the back (I kid you not!). This morning it was -20C ... and it's getting colder every minute XD
Golly Good !
-OMG. I actually found the time this weekend to catch up with KKM ... I did a marathon of 8 consecutive episodes .... @__@ my eyes were fried XD BUT, IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT (Now I remember why I love KKM so much ♥♥♥) OMG SARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ *shot* SAra was EVERYWHERE ♥¬♥ awww ... it broke my heart when he "betrayed" Yuuri .... ;___; HOWEVER, thank goodness Yuu-chan is a good-natured person, and decided to overcome this "incident" and place his infinite trust in Sara once more ♥♥♥♥ (Snatched a million SaraYuu screens for making icons later on :P) ALSO, Wolfram was completely unwanted by Yuuri in these eps .... O__O Where is all the angsty YuuRam gone too ?!?!?!?!? The ONLY YuuRam moment I saw, I screened IMMEDIATELY and turned it into an icon XDDD (I'll show you in the next post ... it's on my home computer XD). Anywho, I (im)patiently await the next eps to be subbed XDDDD (Although, I could probably watch them RAW but then, I wouldn't have anything to look forward too ♥)
-Skip Beat! Is awesome .... Ren wins ♥ That is all XD
-I promised you guyes some icons, and I shall deliver :P I've got a few more to complete and then, it should be ready for "public viewing" XDDDD (Don't be too harsh on me m'kay? XD
Well my darling Tomodachis XD (NOT Tamaguchis XD), I've GTG for now, my stomach is growling and my fingers are about to fall off from the cold XDDDD I'll probably won't post anything new till tomorrow (unless I manage to finish my Liet art today ♥). Take care dearies !