Scorpio type B

Nov 19, 2012 01:14

Again! this is another late post about birthday! tho i didn't forget about the day this time.. somehow RL always try to tease me.. and whose birthday are this time...

this is (or should I say "was") Jun-chan's 32nd and PA's beloved Sachou, lovu_lovu_aiba's 23th birthdays. Because they share the same zodiac and blood type, I wanna share a random post about Scorpio type B.. I found the article long time ago so I kinda forgot about the source and I copied it into a document since I'm a Scorpio type B as well 8D

Scorpio type B's general personality:
  • Focus on the pursuit of goals, focusing on the target and passionate. If you reach a destination, and then forward indefinitely dig down deep. 

  • Holding a strong interest and concern, the desire to want to explore the true knowledge, in other words, they have the ability to identify the real. 

  • Has a deep thinking, no matter how beautiful and complete surface, but also see through the inside of the complex reality, people who see through the mask covering the heart. But despite knowing the situation which would not casually say, do not mess came to light the truth, after all, the secret is a secret, hidden by the darkness to darkness. 

  • This type of person likely to have their own secrets. Appearance of the impression does not seem so tough, but inside the complex personality, stored up like a steely toughness. Have a strong spiritual strength and endurance, if something happens to play, such as overwhelming as the other outbreaks. Usually mild, but the preparedness than attack power, if as an enemy, is a formidable opponent. 

Scorpio type B's Men:
  • Personality: Acting according to your emotions makes you a temperamental person. Your mood swings present some difficulties but this in turn also shows that you aren't a dishonest person. Your health is much as important as your amazing working skills. Make sure you balance them out.

  • Love Tendency: You stand out in the crowd because your unique abilities. You enjoy being around women and that's why you will hear people calling you a "player." Even though there'll be plenty of women around you, the one you really catch your attention are the ones who are as interesting as you. The seriousness of a commitment and marriage hardly cross your mind.

  • Life: Your diverse interests make you a great candidate for any employment. The problem is that you don't find the patience to last at certain jobs for a long time. You tend to seek praise and acceptance from others too much. Try to satisfy your own goals.

Scorpio type B's Women:
  • Personality: Controlling your rolling temper is the best measure to take, if you would like your friends to remain beside you. Other than that your chirpy personality gravitates people toward you.

  • Love Tendency: Even when it comes to men, you are direct and honest. If you like them you tell them and if you don't, you tell them too. You don't see anything in front of you once you fall deeply in love with someone. This might be a time of happiness for you but friends and family around you worry about you constantly that you are too involved in this relationship. You have to learn how to balance this and your other responsibilities.

  • Life: You are destined for a great future. A charming family and husband will be a part of this life. But don't expect everything to be too content with your life but rather expect the unexpected. Otherwise, things will hit you with a fry pan out of nowhere. Another suggestion is to be wise where you spend your money. You tend to relieve your stress by means of shopping but try not spend it on frivolous items.

okay.. that's all from me.. thanks to clipsie at tumblr for the epic gifs and for the author of the article.. have a nice birthday for Jun-chan and Sachou XD *tho I know.. it's late.. www*

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