Voting - Categories #15 - #27

Jun 07, 2012 22:05

1. Please give as many of the fics a chance before voting - read them first! We understand if you have biases for particular genres/pairings, but please try to give all the fics in your preferred genre/pairing a chance, at the very least :)

2. The eligible fics for voting are listed ON THIS PAGE.

3. Please only vote for a maximum of THREE fics per category. Since the details of the fics are already in the lists, it's ok to just list the titles of the fics you're voting for. If there are votes for more than three fics, only the first three listed will be counted.

3. Only vote for the fics on this list. Votes for other fics will not be counted.

4. Happy voting, and hope you have a fun time reading! ^_^

Poll A.F.A. 2012 1st Voting Categories #15-#27

*Please remember to vote for the other categories here :D

fanfic awards 2012, fanfic awards: voting

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