Drabble: Explicit Taste

Jul 15, 2013 05:40

“Please don’t do this to me Yuto....”
“Why? Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just move on!”
“Dame!” Yamada yelled and grabbed onto Yuto’s arm.
“How can I move on?”
“I should never have let you!” Yuto yelled and pushed Yamada away. Yamada looked up meakly, his eyes shining with tears.
“So dess, you should never have let me, once I’ve tried something, you know how difficult it is for me to forget it... especially... if I like it...”

“Stop it Ryo!” Yuto looked away flushing. “I made a mistake...I’m only human...”

“Yes! You tempted me so much. I can’t forget the moment.... the scent...the taste...”
“Why are you taking so much away from me? You are no human!” Yamada cried softly looking at his own feet. He wrapped his arms around himself. Yuto stared in pain and quickly wiped away the tears in his eyes before Yamada looked back at him.

“Fine.....if that is how you feel. Look me in the eyes, and tell me, you won’t let me have something so special. That you are ripping my heart apart by saying no. Look me in my eyes and tell me yuto....I’ll never ask for it again...”

Yuto stared at him and held his breath. As hard as it was for Ryosuke, it was so much worse for him. To deny something they both yearned for, to someone so close to him, to never relive that one moment. That moment when he and Ryo had shared something so special....how could he ever live with himself? He stared at Yamada’s moist eyes, which were shut tight, too afraid of what was happening, too afraid to stare at him in the eye.


He moved closer and took hold of Ryosuke’s hands.
“Please forgive me....but I can’t do this...”

He pulled Ryosuke into a tight hug as he burst into tears.
“I cannot give you what you ask for....”

Yamada pushed him away and looked up. “Fine... then I’ll take it by force....”

“You cant! You don’t know where it is....”

“Oh yes I do Yuto....you’ve hidden it where you always hide your poky packets....your dressing room drawer.....bye!” and with that, Yamada sprinted out of the room with Yuto at his tail!
“Matte oii Ryosuke, I shared my last pack with you!! That’s the only one I’ve left! Oii RYOSUKE!!”

heysayjump, nakajima yuto, pairing: yuto/yamda, yamada ryosuke, heysaybest, genre: ero, title: explicit taste

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