I'm going to go get glasses later. Like my LJ title? I changed it to japanese.
I'm watching Saved By The Bell. Hoorah. I should've gone to school.. Now everyone in my french class is going to know more than I am! xD; Oh well.
Okay so last time, The fire alarm rang and I was in fifth period. My math class. My teacher is chinese and then he was all "EVERYBODY GET OUT" and he sorta sounds like Jackie Chan. Okay well anyway, Once we all got out.. He like.. Locked himself in the classroom and we were like "WTF?" And just like.. Waited for the bell to our next class, Which wasn't that far away.
I got Drop The Bomb on DDRMAX! ;-; Love that song <333
I have homework XD. I'm going to do it tommorow, later, or sunday if I get bored. Dunno! But I am going to do it.
... I need more LJ friends. I'm going to go on a search now. Okay! :]