what am I so happy about??
yeah, well it's BIG News guys. And you know that cause I am doing a journal entry. Finally.
So I was just doing my usual crap, playing Daily Show games on Comedy Central, being lame and stuff. Then I decided to go on yahoo and check my mail, but the headline really caught my attention. And why shouldn't it? It was JK Rowling,smiling her usual smile. She's been in the news lately cause of her book signing tour, and the headline read "JK outs Hogwards character" and "J.K. Rowling's reveal about the wizard Dumbledore sends fans into a frenzy". I was like woopdie-doo. Just a small tidbit or something to give her tour more popularity, a hidden fact about his life or something of that nature. I would check it out of course, cause I am a sucker for additional Potter info. At the same time I was thinking to myself "wouldn't it be funny if she said Dumbledore was gay? Hurhurhurhurh! as if.
But you know what? I was right. Seriously. I couldn't belive it. Check this out:
-----> """"After reading briefly from the final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," she took questions from audience members.
She was asked by one young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love."
"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause.
She then explained that Dumbledore was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, whom he defeated long ago in a battle between good and bad wizards. "Falling in love can blind us to an extent," Rowling said of Dumbledore's feelings, adding that Dumbledore was "horribly, terribly let down."
Dumbledore's love, she observed, was his "great tragedy."
"Oh, my god," Rowling concluded with a laugh, "the fan fiction."""""""" <----------
yeah...i know what you're thinking. WOAH! Holy cow shit!
I mean, who could have guessed???? Like with all the hinting between Dumbledore and his arch sexy rival, such a classic yaoi, er plot line. MY GOODNESS!!!! HOLY SHINKIES!!! BALLS! FYLING BALLS!!! Seriously.
Finally she admits that ONE of her characters is gay. How can you not notice??? But you know what, she outed the wrong one, cause Dumbledore is so freaking old it doesn't even matter. No one really thinks of him in a sexual manner anyway, until now. Why Albus? Technically everyone in those books is gay. Especially Harry. ESEPCIALLY HARRY. And Snape. DOn't deny it. Come on, Snarry anyone? Jesus flying monk.
------>""""Potter readers on fan sites and elsewhere on the Internet have speculated on the sexuality of Dumbledore, noting that he has no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past. And explicit scenes with Dumbledore already have appeared in fan fiction.""""" <------ (no really, ya think???)
----->""Rowling told the audience that while working on the planned sixth Potter film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," she spotted a reference in the script to a girl who once was of interest to Dumbledore. A note was duly passed to director David Yates, revealing the truth about her character."""<------
Jesus, what a dumb director. I mean OOTP was good, but he still fudged up the most anticipated scene (at least for me) of Snape's worst memory. It was so wonderfully slashy in the book and he reduced it to literally 5 seconds, and the guys were ummm...not particularily delicious. Not even Sirius. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT, DAVID YATES??? Give me my hottness DAVID YATES!!!! And now he keeps making random things up, and even creating his own characters. Going on a power trip cause you get to direct two Harry Potter films in a row, huh, DAVID YATES??? Well stop it! You can't hide your desire to molest young tender male bodies by giving Albus a girlfriend, ok, DAVID YATES! Just read some fan fiction to calm yourself down...especially Snarry.
OK, I really shouldn't pick on David, cause he doesnt do the playwrite, so this is not his fault. It's that other guy's fault.
On the other hand, GOF was so sexy. I don't care how the actors are in real life, but in the movie they were hott assed. My favorite scene, I don't know who came up with it (bless their soul) was when Harry comes up to Cedric in the school yard, and Cedric is surrounded by his chums while lying his head in some other good looking boy's lap. I was in the theatre at the time... X_____X it was yum-o. (yes, I used yum-o cause that scene deserved it) Now I watch that on DVD like non stop. Also in the special features the guy who played Cedric runs into Krum's arms. It's about 4 seconds, but again, good times. SIGH
Oh hahaha, and Snape. COME ON! In every movie, the Snarriness is getting so obvious that I have to try not to laugh. I think Alan Rickman does it on purpose. He just looks at Dan like he wants to give it to him real bad. I pointed this out to my friend and she agrees with me. And I think Dan is used to that. Snarryyyy fanfiction will fix all your problems.