Survey stolen from illusionaire

Oct 13, 2006 05:01

-How many girlfriends or boyfriends have told you they love you?
Two, before I found my true soulmate, who doesn't just toss those three precious words about. He actually means them.

-Have you ever thought that you were going to marry a person
Yes. And it turns out that I will be marrying them.

-Are you crushin' on anybody?
I have plenty of celeb crushes. But, I'm with The One, so I needn't waste my thoughts on people I had no chance of ever being with in the first place. But, hey, I am free to look. Haha.

-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?

-Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
Not intentionally. But, I tend to make him cry, because a.) he loves me so much that he breaks down in tears of joy, because I'm here with him or b.) I'm being an insensitive bitch for some reason or another. I get into my girly moods sometimes. It can't always be helped, you know.

-Are you happier single or in a relationships?
I thought I was happy being single, because I didn't have to answer to anyone and I could do whatever I pleased. But, now that I'm in my first real, stable relationship, I really couldn't picture being other way, than being attached to someone and being in love.

-Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes. But, my previous ex-boyfriend Rob. We're friends still, though. He broke up with me, because of his little problem--an over active sex drive. He didn't want to hurt me anymore.

-What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex?
That they are so different from us.

-Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes. Twice.

-Have you ever broken someone's heart?

-Talk to any of your ex's?
Yeah. Rob. I don't know what happened to Jon.

-If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
A couple of things, maybe.

-Have any feelings for your ex's?
Platonic feelings for Robino. He's a sweet guy. Strange. But, sweet. HA! As for Jon... Well, he's okay, I guess. I haven't spoken to him since 2001. So... I really have no feelings for him anymore, platonic or otherwise.

-Think any of your ex's feel the same?
I think so.

-Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
I think I was a good girlfriend. Though, I was a bit stand off-ish. But, that's just my disposition. I'm distant. I was also too agreeable. I agreed with my past boyfriends too much... there was no conflict to keep the flame alive.

But, the current relationship I'm in, we're very different from each other in a lot of ways and we're the same in some ways. So, we argue and have our disagreements. There's a lot of passion, as well. But, I still am a bit cool and aloof. Again, this is just part of my personality.

-Have you dated people who were not good to you?

-Have you been in an abusive relationship?
Yeah... the relationship I'm in is a bit abusive. But, in a playful kind of way. xD We rough-house with each other all the time. It's hilarious.

-Have you dated someone older than you?
Every guy I've been with has been older than me.


-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yes... to a certain degree, anyway.

-Believe in love at first sight?
I'm not quite sure.

-Ever been given an engagement ring?
Yes. And I'm wearing it right now.

-Do you want to get married?

-Do you have something to say to any of your exes?
Hello. :)

-Ever stolen someone's boyfriend or girlfriend?

-Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend?
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