Finally posting something that's not a translation xD
I was really busy last week because of a lot of different things.
1/ got my new laptop!! :D
2/ made my decisions about college!! :D
3/ had my debs!! :D
I'll start with the 3rd one. I'm not sure if much people know what a debs is, because that's what we call it in Ireland anyway. But it's basically like a prom ^^ So we all wear pretty dresses and dance, but there's also a formal dinner beforehand. I know in America they have a few proms, but we only have one debs, and that's after the summer you finish school.
So I was able to see all my old classmates for the last time! T-T And some teachers too xD It was really really nice and so much fun :) If anyone is interested,
here is a picture of me and my 3 best friends. I wore a pink dress ^^b
Now! I also got my new laptop~ x) It's my first time having a Mac though, so I'm still trying to work some stuff out on it... like is it really this tedious to add album artwork on iTunes?! And do I not have a video player that plays my avi downloads?! So many questions... *sigh* I must be patient! >_<
And... I'm going to college in London!!! :D I can't believe I'm actually going. I'll be leaving at the end of the month, but I've already started practising my kanji and reading all these books about Japanese history xD I'm currently reading one called "Modern Japanese Society 1868-1994" ^^ It's really interesting!
I'm already planning how I'm going to brainwash my flatmates into JE... hehe >:D
I'll be sad to say goodbye to my bedroom though.... :( :( I really like how I have it decorated and how everything is in it's place... :S
But anyway, London!! :D
Oh, and I was talking to my friend Sarah yesterday on msn. She's in Japan at the moment! She won a scholarship to go there for 5 months! O_o I was so jealous at first but I'm really happy for her to be honest :) She says that in the high school she's in, there are loads of Kisumai fans!! :D Especially Senga, cos she's in Nagoya xD (Aichi in fact^^) She's also in her school's dance club and there is a guy in the club who is like a total Johnny's O_o I saw a video she uploaded of the class and he's there, and he has the long dyed hair and everything... *o* So jealous! Oh and his name is Yuuto ^^ He wasn't dancing in the video but she says he's very good :) And she knew about the Arashi airplane too. She said that when you go to the airport, there are posters of them everywhere xD Haha, she also went to an idol shop in Harajuku and tried to buy me a picture of Senga, but she got mixed up with the way the numbering system works in those shops and ended up getting some other Jr. that she doesn't know... xD It's okay though, she doesn't follow the Jr.'s so there's a good chance I should know who it is~ ^^ But anyway, I really hope she continues to have an awesome time :)
And just to throw it in there, with each video/picture of Shounentachi that I see, I pray more and more for a dvd >.< Please please please release a dvd! and make them debut NOW