Title: Cabbage
sakuradespair Pairing(s): Miyagi/Shinobu
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 426
Warning(s): None? (unless you count possible cabbage cruelty)
Challenge: Birthday
Disclaimer: I do not own Junjou Romantica. All copyright goes to Shungiku Nakamura
He had finally done it. He, Takatsuki Shinobu, was finally twenty. He was finally an adult. For many, this barrier was crossed when he or she turned the proverbial eighteen, but it was no so for Shinobu. No, for Shinobu, the line was drawn at twenty, because it's year when his age is finally no longer doubled by Miyagi's. He woke up feeling different, as if overnight his determination rose to a whole new level. He's a man now. There's no turning back.
Miyagi wanted to get Shinobu a gift. After all, that's what lovers do for each other, right? Still, Miyagi wasn't used to the term "lover." A part of him still refused to believe that he was wholeheartedly in a boy half his age. Well, less than half his age now. He struggled over the decision. He didn't want to appear cold and uncaring, yet at the same time, he didn't want Shinobu to get a big head and think that he actually cared. But when he passed the market and saw the many heads of cabbage on sale, he simply couldn't resist. The prices were too good to pass up, or at least, that was the excuse he gave himself.
All day, Shinobu was contemplating what he would do now that he was twenty. He should take advantage of it and do some ero things with Miyagi. But what? The older man was far more experienced than he was, and he simply didn't have the courage to ask anyone for help on the matter. Face beet red, he picked up a novel that seemed popular, which meant that it must be well-written. Upon the cover was the name Akikawa Yayoi emblazoned at the bottom left corner. He looked through a few pages, then was kindly reminded by the staff to pay before he read the book. Flushing an even deeper red, Shinobu purchased the book, stuffing it in his bookbag for later consumption.
The book in his bag stayed on his mind all day, distracting him from his classes. Could he really do all of those things for Miyagi? Yes, of course he could. After all, he's twenty now. Shinobu returned to the apartment that they shared fully prepared to jump the older man. Opening the door, he was greeted with the sounds and the scent of cooking. "Okaeri," grumbled Miyagi in greeting, a cigarette sticking out of the side of his lips. In his wok, the cabbage that he'd bought earlier was being cooked. Shinobu and Miyagi shared an interesting birthday dinner.