My memory's a little muzzy, because I watched it when I was 10 or so. She's a robot doppleganger of the character Maria, who's kind of a messianic type for the oppressed workers of the Metropolis. EvilRobot!Maria is used to falsely lead the workers to a disastrous revolution that results in lots of death and destruction, mostly for themselves. Also... she's just really fucking ominous.
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My memory's a little muzzy, because I watched it when I was 10 or so. She's a robot doppleganger of the character Maria, who's kind of a messianic type for the oppressed workers of the Metropolis. EvilRobot!Maria is used to falsely lead the workers to a disastrous revolution that results in lots of death and destruction, mostly for themselves. Also... she's just really fucking ominous.
(She was the first female robot in cinema!)
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