So I have not updated in a while.... to bad. I'm only doing it now cause I seem to have way to much energy at 2:30 in the morning.
Well it looks like this year is going to be bust for conventions for me. After the calamity that was Katsucon I find myself not really that enthused about going out of state for conventions. I mean yah I work for a airline, but its still a pain the ass to travel nowadays. Not to mention that everyone of the damn things is crawling with people I have very little respect for..... cosplayers. I 've discovered I only really ever go to these things to get drunk and hang out with people I barely know who seem really cool at the time (and some most of he time), but even that is starting to suck now.
And the recent development of me telling Dragoncon they can kiss my hairy ass, is probably either a symptom or a result of my current distaste for con people (attendees mainly) in general. It was fun but it is more trouble then its worth now; too much work for no respect or recognision. On the upside I can plan for AWA a little diffently and I won't have to make any AMV DVDs anymore, though I still might for my own personal use. I really need to work on the schedule.
Work is a lot different when you are injured and you normally do physical labor. I have been on "Light" duty for almost 3 weeks now trying to nurse my back into some natural form of order, and I will be on "light" duty for another week at least. Its been a good way for me to learn some new skills like how to sweep a floor with dozen of crazy baggage driver zipping 6 inches away from you and going about 25 mph. But seriously I am now a dangerous man, I can now reroute peoples bags to Moscow..... I almost feel drunk with power.
Oh and I'm not spell checking either......... deal with it bitches.