Okay so it occurs to me that I havn't updated this journal thingy in a while. I would like to welcome my buddy
Ezlizard, hope this LJ does screw his life up like it seems to for many of my friends here in the Fayetteville circle. Frankly in reagards to this drama that is going around..... I could give a rats ass... I mean honestly people. Hopefully this means fewer loud people at my place in the middle of the night, fewer bizzare phone calls in middle night...fewer drunks hanging aroung.... no wait that was probably me.
Well did the whole AWA thing a month or so ago, and despite my best efforts it seems to have gone off without a hitch. I would go so far to say it was one of the best ones yet for the attendees. I on the other hand was way too busy and missed almost everything I wanted to do. I'm seriously trying to figure out why I do it in the first place. Today was the first day since the con that I have actually watched anime for the fun of it rather then to just have something on while I hang out.
The Delta situation ain't that great either... not gonna talk about it. On the plus side I finally got rid of the damn cold I got after AWA and I'm feeling quite good now. Been losing weight and my pants keep falling off, which helps cause now I don't have to pull them down all the time... I can just shake my ass and let gravity do the work.
I failed once again to dress up for halloween. I was going to paint my body orange and wear nothing but a red T-shirt and claim I was winne-the-pooh..... "I just looking for some honey little girl!". No.... I'm kidding.....or am I? DUN DUN DUUUUUN.