Title: Spoils of the Victor Author: Jaelle Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Paulie/Zoro, implied past Paulie/anonymous CP9 member Disclaimer: Not mine, all Oda-sensei's.
Lol, yeah, I love Zoro's method for getting clothes too ^__^ And the sleep installment plan made me giggle. Ahh, but the ending was great, slightly bittersweet, and yet hopeful. I love the double-meaning; there's a deeper reason Zoro took that shirt - the one that made Paulie grateful - but on the surface of it, he's still taking the enemy's stuff ^___^
So do I! When I first saw him in the Galley-la t-shirt I thought, "Yeah! Looks great!" Followed by, "But he didn't STEAL it from anyone!"
I'm glad you liked the double-meaning. Zoro argues he's just taking his rightful spoils, but we all know he took it to spare Paulie having it around (he's just a big ol' heavily-armed softie really :-).
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. (I also thought there had to be more - Zoro wearing clothing we didn't see him stealing from someone else? Definitely fishy.)
haha! a new couple to 'ship! heh, i vaguely thought paulie had a bit of a crush on him myself. i really like the tone of this, and his reason for having the galley-la shirt was inspired.
Well, it could have been Lucci. I'd like to believe it that way, anyhow (like I said, technically Kaku fits better, but I left it open for those of us who like Luccie/Paulie).
found this while surfing opy archives. Not a pairing I've ever consciously thought of, but I like it. ^_^ Very nice execution, and I really like Zoro's thought processes. Real Men Don't Shop. *snerk* Thank you for sharing! *memories*
Thank you for commenting! Yeah, it's an odd one, but it just seemed to me more and more that those two were interacting a fair amount during that storyline, and since I love Paulie deeply... it just kind of came from that.
Comments 14
Good read.
(And it looks so good on him too :-)
Lol, yeah, I love Zoro's method for getting clothes too ^__^ And the sleep installment plan made me giggle. Ahh, but the ending was great, slightly bittersweet, and yet hopeful. I love the double-meaning; there's a deeper reason Zoro took that shirt - the one that made Paulie grateful - but on the surface of it, he's still taking the enemy's stuff ^___^
I'm glad you liked the double-meaning. Zoro argues he's just taking his rightful spoils, but we all know he took it to spare Paulie having it around (he's just a big ol' heavily-armed softie really :-).
I can't tell you how much this brightened my morning!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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