Today I got up at 9:30.
It actually felt pretty nice, actually, to get up and realize I had all day to do whatever.
First thing in the morning, I had to PM Vamo because it looked as if he was going to switch Looscha out of EW and put Royalty in instead...which would have totally thrown off half of my Cheshire Cat post...and that would have ticked me off considerably. So I asked him not to and explained that how EW treats him has everything to do with how his Character acts and nothing to do with how he as a RPer acts.
I really, really wish people would understand that EW is no small thing.
EW doesn't play around.
Anyway...I also got to attack a porn-bot post today. Right after it was posted. That felt good (in fact, I removed it before the poster's name left the online list. HAH.) Take that, Porn-Spammers! Cerby may be gone, the mods may be asleep or at work...but KIA IS STILL GONNA GETCHA.
Moving on...
Went to PAWS (I just typed Pause. Wtf) today with Ana (I feel for you, Ana. Your grandmother...Why was she telling me to talk, anyway? What did she expect me to say? O.o) So yeah. Went to PAWS. Met a pretty white/calico kitty named Libby who tried to eat my fingers. Signed a couple papers for the volunteering **WITH THE WRONG DATE** x__X; For some reason, I thought it was the first...Despite the fact that I opened my phone to get phone numbers...I didn't even notice the date...Anyway. Since school is starting next week, Ana and I are going to go on Saturdays rather than during the week. I felt kind of bad about that because the first Saturday he wanted us is the Saturday of the 8th...which, of course, I already have plans for.
So...Yeah. :o I got to see Indiana (who is now Ethan. Haha) today. He's so fluffy! Not long-haired like I know Belloq will be but he's fluffy~ Such a cutie he's become...There was also this little tabby-kitten running around. I offered him/her my hand, which they didn't like at first, but it let me pet it. After I started scratching the base of its tail, it got excited and rolled over on its back for me. :3 Cute~
I'm excited to start~
Mmm...So yes.
Back home now.
Babysitting in three hours.
Tired of greeting new people who aren't actually new people but are, in fact, already members on another account.
I'm done now.
Loves, People.