
Jun 30, 2007 12:18

To repair my broken man.

But I also need money...

For a new camera.

(The damn moose!)

What am I talking about, you ask?
Why, an amazing Thursday-Friday-And-Saturday-Morning.

Let's see.
(Whoa. That was random. But I just came to the most awful, disgusting realization. SKIN is going to give fanfic writers the most horrible ideas. I dread the possibility of people writing MiyavixGackt fanfic. Omg...*Shudder* Poor Mi...x___X)

So Thursday, we left the house at around 9:30 (my dad, Cosmo and I). We drove out to Issaquah first because my dad had to talk to the guys at Evergreen Ford about some financial crap about the truck we no longer have. Anyway, so we're driving past the boardwalk (Which they finished. It looks really nice) and we look over in the direction we have to go to get to Evergreen and my dad and I both fell silent and pretty much stared. Their used to be an empty lot across from the Burger King on the corner...but now they're in the process of building a...building. So we turn and drive down that road to find that they've put up a big condo/apartment building across from the other thing they are building. Wtf? x__X Issaquah's going to hell. It's horrible, I miss the old Issaquah.
Other things...Once we left Evergreen, we drove down towards Front Street Market (Looove. And I saw a van...that had "Van Go" written on the side...and I was amused.) It was sad going through there. D: The Ark pet store where we bought Salem is gone, I think. And FarFar's Icecream is gone. I knew it had burned down a few years ago but I didn't know they were going to get REPLACED. :/ By a stupid pizza shop at that. LAME.

So, we then went to go pick up Love-Coru. We passed by the Maple Valley market and I looked over to look at the groomer we used to go to (I always look over there) and I had to do like...five 'double'-takes before my brain registered that something was wrong. The groomer is no longer there.
In fact. The BUILDING isn't even there. WHAT THE HELL? >__<

They're doing a whole bunch of construction at Four Corners...They have this HUGE lot cleared and when we looked over at it, we saw some houses already done at the far end of the lot. I thought "They've got a lot of room, so that's potential for decent houses." Yeah, RIGHT. In ALL that room that they could build nice houses in...They're STILL BUILDING CLONE HOUSES. WTF >__< God. MV's going down Issaquah's path to hell. It's awful. I hate it.

Blah. Anyway, we picked up Love-Coru (and there was a VERY long stretch of road that was covered in skid marks and tire-donuts...It was weird. Like a bunch of drunk/high teenagers when on a freak donut-making spree all the way down the road.)
I got to see Wrangler and Jazz (Wrangler STILL hates me. I think Jazz was just too lazy to get off of the bed to escape me.)

We went home. Love-Coru and I spent a good amount of time with the kittens (They're illegally cute.)

Friday morning.
We got up at 7:30, got ready, yadda-yadda.
The ferry ride was, as always, a lot faster than I thought it would be. Love-Coru appeared to be quite tired all day. So...We get off the ferry and go to wait for my dad for like...a half an hour...because he hadn't finished his appointment yet. Sooo. Dad gets there and we start our drive to Uwajimaya. (By the way, I think Love-Coru and I got our Seattle-Pig count up to 12.) So...we get to Uwajimaya and (of course) the first place I go is the bookstore (With Love-Coru in tow). Looked to see if MAYBE they would have Eerie Queerie...They did...but, as usually, they were useless (Volumes 1, 3, and 4. WTF. Geez.) They don't have volume 4 of GC, either. (GRR.) So...Then we went up to look at music. (Their new-release rack is waaay out of date. They had Withering to Death up there and one of Hyde's older CDs...) I didn't end up getting music...because, as usually, they're ridiculously expensive...But I did get myself Shoxx's July issue (alice nine. cover♥) which later led to me taking down my Linkin Park poster down to put up a (much smaller but way prettier) alice nine. poster (:

Anyway...After Uwajimaya, we were all hungry and wanted to go find somewhere to eat...But all the parking garages were full (FULL. WTF?!) Mom said that in all the times she's been to Seattle, she's never seen ONE full (let along more than one) so it was weird. We ended up driving around for quite some time looking for somewhere to park. We blame the people on the Cruise Ship for the lack of parking spaces. Ended up getting a handicap parking spot (No, not illegally. My dad is handicapped for his foot.) They have a two hour limit. TWO HOURS. What the hell is a handicap person supposed to do in two hours? O__o In Seattle.
So we went and ate at...Uhm...I can't remember the name of the place. It was the Oyster place across from Red Robin (RR told us we'd have a 40-minute wait and there was no way the hungry-O'Leary-Family+Coru was waiting 40 minutes just to sit down. much happened at the restaurant...Coru seemed tired some more, Cosmo tried to order "Juices milk" (The kids menu said "juices" and had "milk" RIGHT below he read it as he saw it xD; Even if he didn't know what "juices milk" might be.) Uhm...Oh. Coru and I wondered at why there was mouthwash in the bathrooms and figured it was because Oysters don't taste good...but then she brought up the fact that the mouthwash was in a pump you'd have to pump it in to your hands then put it in your mouth. O__o So I mentioned it to my parents and my dad said there were paper cups to put the mouthwash in...Well, not in the WOMEN'S bathroom. xD; lame.

So...Yeah...We wandered around. Went to the Curiosity shops...Some guy gave Coru and I free grains of rice with our names on one side and "Seattle" on the other <.<; We put them in Coru's wallet...and I never got mine back from her. Whoops. xD; Coru, you have a grain of rice with my name on it. GO YOU. Lmao. Anyway...
Uhm...We made the 4:20 ferry (I think we got pretty lucky there) and Love-Coru kept falling asleep on my shoulder. Haha~ Not that I minded. Neither of us slept very well at all on Thursday night (After watching two very cheesy/cliche movies...DAMN MOCKINGBIRD. xD; <333)

We got home...and basically sat around. xD Or I sat around (talking to Lefi) and we watched Dr. Keith and Dr. Phil. (Damn those broken men, huh Coru? So expensive...) We ended up going to bed at around 11-11:30. Well...Sort of. We were both tired (her especially, I think) so we turned everything off to try and sleep...but we started talking...and talked a lot. xD; We talked until a little bit after 3 AM. Then my eyes started to burn and my throat started to hurt and we agreed that we should sleep because our alarm was set for 9 AM.

It was a good conversation <3 I really enjoyed being able to have a good, long conversation with Love-Coru. And I don't ever get to talk to people about my writing...and we talked for quite some time about our writing. It was a lot of fun and sort of got me in to a writing mood. I want to write about Azrael again. I never actually got around to writing out his story properly...I miss Azrael. Anyway...

So we got up this morning around 9:30 (I had shut the phone alarm off and rolled over to fall back asleep at 9.) Sat around some more and waited for her dad. Etc, etc.
D: Then she went bye-bye. Sadness. *Tele-Hugs Love-Coru*

So...That was basically it. *Nod*

And I know how to make traffic lights change. <.<
There was a shop we passed by on our way to Uwajimaya and I looked over to see text on the window that read "Life = Art". I really liked it but I didn't have my camera. I was like "I could take out my phone but as soon as I do, the light will change." So I paused and then go to take my phone out...and the light changed xD It sucked but it was funny. I'm magical.

So...I'm going to go post for Nox (Who would not get out of my head during lunch yesterday) and...Read, maybe.
Or make ramen.

We Love You,
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