Aaaaah, the joys of wintertime... Do you guys have to scrape frost off your car every morning? 'Cause I have to. And it's really getting old!
The first couple of time your car is covered in a coat of fancy-looking frost in the morning, you think: "Awww... isn't it lovely?!" Then you get your plastic scraper out and the fun begins. You trace little
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Comments 10
But something even cuter? The manip *melts* Oh boy... I LOVE it *stares some more*
*and stares again*
*and again*
Okay, I think I'm in love *happy sigh*
Great job!!
::pets the manip::
And uhm... I'm not sure you would describe me as cute if you saw me in the morning, with my red nose, the damn scraper in my frozen hand, and a homicidal glint in my bloodshot eyes... Mais merci quand même! ;op
PS: I don't know if you're interested by more naughty manips or not, but just so that you know, you have to join the comm to see them. ;o) (en théorie, parce qu'en fait je ne sais pas si les friend-locked entries marchent ou pas... tu les vois les manip NC-17 toi, sans être membre??)
I'm sure you'd like damn sexy with your red nose and the holy scraper in your frozen hand... and homicidal glint? Isn't that another synonym for alpha female? Cause it would work for me, like big time! *purrs*
Je viens d'ajouter la communauté à ma flist et j'ai vu pas mal de manips mais j'ai pas fait attention à celles qui auraient du être flocked... oh c'est pas grave, je deviendrais membre à part entière si besoin est *g*
::purrs with you::
En fait les manips f-locked le sont pour "full frontal nudity". Et je crois être la seule à avoir posté ce genre de manip pour l'instant... ::whistles innocently:: Ahem... ;op
and good for you on the aerosol thing! theres all sorts of crap in them!!
and I love ice and snow! mother nature can be so beautiful! has it snowed there yet? coz its been snowing here *g*
although,luckily I dont your particular problem!
I have no car!! *g*
No it rarely snow here, dammit!!! All we get is frost, black ice and sleet!!! ::wail::
No car, eh? You don't know all the fun you're missing! [/sarcasm]
As for the ice--well, I'm thrilled to death that I can take the train to work. For now. Until we find our own office space. ::panics::
Weirdly enough, I find the sappiness of this manip quite comforting, if you see what I mean. :o)
Taking the train to work must be nice when the weather's so "bleh"...
And don't panic, you're making me nervous!! ;op
PS: I love your icon. Really beautiful! ::stares::
I'm very flattered you like my icon...I just love Daniel's mouth. *g*
Yeah, that's what I like to think too... ::sappy grin::
I just love Daniel's mouth
Don't we all? ::eg::
The light and the colours of this icon are wonderful.
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