Another Brick in the Wall? - The Dr is back!

May 15, 2007 01:26

I have often described talking to many people as bashing my face into a brick wall.

Recently, I have discovered that this metaphor is too nice, and not nearly painful enough to accurately describe what it is like talking with some people. Even masturbating with a cheese grater seems like a reasonable, pleasant activity in comparison to these conversations. The average conversation with the annoying people I know evokes a sensation much more akin to drilling for oil with my fingernails or digging up concrete with my bare teeth (and it's gravelly concrete too).

Mind you, this is on a good day. I feel sorry for whatever poor fools crossed my path today, since I've had about 5 hours sleep in the past 60. I think I was moving in some kind of hyper-speed. So, everyone else might have just seen a greyish-black blur running around, occasionally stopping and hovering near a computer in the labs, letting out some kind of insult and blurring off out of the room.

The Doctor is back biznatches!


s85 returns, and another thing..., dr salamandre

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