When an exhibition to Jamba juice...goes wrong

Oct 13, 2004 18:05

Well, because we had no school wednesday, there was a general agreement to go get a drink at Jamba juice on tuesday, and for me to bring my lap top.  Allison read my story (you laughed! how could you?!) then took out her stress in microsoft word 2003...this is what my deranged friend wrote:

The Japanese yen is sooooo strange!  It’s like…inflation time people!!  But wait!  It’s not…..it’s not…….Like..like the European Euro!! Oh, I mean….crap.    Jeez.  My thoughts are all Mr. Jangled!!!!!  My mommy said to pick the very best one and that is you red white and blue polly took ya to the movie and undressed you!!!  EWWWW!!! SIIIIICCKKKK!!!!!  KUSouU!!!!  TSUKARECHATTAAAAAA YOOOOOOOO!!!

L’ecole est……ennyeux…..waat

Mama miaaaaaa  sou ka naaaaaaaaaa tte……

You are so byoooootiful to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee can’t you seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I am sooooooooo out of it right now…I muts be high on……Jamba Juiiiiiice…….

GYAAD!!!  OH MY GYAAAWD!!!  I MEAN LIKE, LOOK AT THEM!!! THEY ARE SOOOOOOOO…..GAY CAUSE THEY”RE LIKE, FROM LA REINA!!!  Oh!  And look at THEM!!!!  YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahH!!!  They’re freakin butts are hangin out of they’re freakin hoish public school pants!!!!!  Oh MY GOSH I AM BEING SO MEAAAAN!!! Sabrina says that she wants to slap the cr-p out of those girls that insulted us!! That’s so funny…..I really wanna see that…..a little skinny asian (not that that’s not awethome) girl beating the bloody crap out of, like, five brawny public high school girls….WOW!!!  HOW MUCH FOR SOME FRICKIN TICKETS, MAN?!!!  Wow, that’s gotta just be….

OK, next subject.  Today in Physics, Mrs. Usher was hovering behind me, thinking her usual, “If Allison had even half a brain, she would…. (blahblahblah)”  When suddenly I heard her say, “I am a polyglot!!”  exciting no?

Then dearest allison came over to my place and I made her food (white rice and potstickers mmmmmm...) while she listened to Roentgen on my boombox ^^ yay! After food (and a few seriously delicious truffles that looked oddly like cat poo o.O) I turned on the Matthew's Best hit's show that I downloaded with Hyde and Ken...allison wouldnt let me fast forward through the scary people eating the "steakfu" otherwise known as tofu steak.

When Hyde and Ken finally came on they slid in from the sides with cardboard suits that were striped to match Matthew's (this man is seriously frightful...and if you don't know who he is...he's actually the weird/spastic tv host that was in lost in translation...the one who came in really close to the screen o_o;) they were singing the pink panther theme song but poor Hyde..he was too short and he could barely get his head above the neck of the cardboard suit! So cuuuute U_________________U  then they sang karaoke (after I finally managed to convince allison that I should fast-forward because we were short on time...she would growl at me the first three times I asked o.o)  Hyde was really good ^^ (and exceedingly cute AGAIN) then Ken sang a song that was apparently supposed to be really sad cause Hyde and Matthew were making overdramatic motions of angst and crying XD.  Ne...after the karaoke, they then had a contest and the prize was a damn expensive dish of puffer fish (30,000 yen = $274 x.x) The first part of the contest was to hold a balloon that was being filled with air and name a dish you ate that week then pass it on. Whoever had the balloon when it popped, lost and the others got 10 points.  They each tried to take their time intil the balloon started getting really big (they were pointing the balloon at each other and they were all running away from it hah hah)finally the ballon popped while Ken was holding it.  The second contest had them all seperating the pages of a (porn...bad Hyde! you're married!  Matthew was trying not to look...I think he's gay ah hah hah) magazine...anyway, Matthew won even though he finished last because his magazine was seperated the neatest...Hyde had just a little bit of a mess up but Ken had torn an entire page XD.  The third contest made me all worried...they had to sit under a metal wash bin and take turns cutting one out of 10 strings...and poor Hyde was the loser by default...but it was so sad! T_T Ken and Matthew were dancing around in a circle, cheering that Hyde was going to get hit while Hyde just stood there staring at the ominous chair, looking dejected.  They made him sit down and he said "Damn! Not fair!" then cut the string.  The basin his him so hard on the head that his eyes actually teared up XO  I wanted to just jump up and save him from his fate but...well....yeah...the show was kinda over and done with...and it was in Japan >.>  After that contest, they had a final one that involved bowling with your head (Hyde's poor tete!)  You had to knock over as many pins as you could while sitting on this board that rolled, without falling off the end.  Matthew and Ken did it correctly but Hyde took a running start and saaaaiiiled off the end onto the poofy mat where he just laid there in post-flight collapse (Goodness...even Matthew said he was cute when he did that!)
In the end, Matthew and Ken were the winners and got to eat the puffer fish...Ken was the first to eat and he just gathered up half the tray, dipped it in some sauce and ate it!  Then Matthew said he just ate 15,000 yen XD.  Matthew then took his bit but declared that since Hyde was such a good sport, he could have some of the fish (Hyde was like "yay!" ^^) So he took the last little bit and when he ate it he scrinched up his face and went "Mmmh!"  So. God. Damn. Cute.  Megumi is the luckiest woman in the univeeeeerse. *dies* and that was the end of the show ^^

At about 8:30, Allisons mum took us to see A Shark Tale but since we were early we played a shooting game...according to Allison, I play shooting games like Gackt does (stand perpendicular to the game with your gun arm out) but anyway, the movie was amusing.
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