Something for you to look at, if you *should* be studying :p

Oct 24, 2005 01:03

The orientation of molecules within a liquid crystal can be seen by viewing the crystals using polarised light. Regions that have the same colour here have the same orientation of their constituent molecules.

The surface tension of water can support even a metal paperclip. By photographing it using a grill in front of the light source, the deformation of the water caused by the clip's weight can be seen. This bending of light is similar to the bending of light by strong gravitational fields, as predicted by Einstein's theories. Surface tension is due to an attraction between the molecules in water, which cause its surface to act in an elastic manner.

This Culex mosquito is just emerging from its pupa (brown). Culex mosquitoes are found worldwide and carry a number of diseases. A single female can lay some 400 eggs, which are deposited on the surface of still water. The larvae filter plankton from the water before pupating at the surface. Adults emerge from the pupae a few days later, using the floating pupa as a raft prior to flying free.

This view into a human body was made from scans of a member of the artist's family. The subject had an axial (horizontal slice) scan taken every two centimeters down the length of the body. The two-dimensional scans were then screen printed onto sheets of clear acrylic and the sheets arranged to reconstruct the body. MRI is an important diagnostic tool in medicine, and is often used to look for tumours and soft tissue damage.

They were some of the 2005 winners and finalists, from Visions of Science

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