Who: Kikyou and Open
What: Kikyou's never been in such a modern place before. Time to learn more about it.
When: All day today.
Where: Around the island.
Warnings: None that I can think of!
The change in temperature hardly bothered her. Perhaps it should have, but she felt no need for it to. She was, after all, a shell of her former self. She didn't have blood running through her or a core body temperature to maintain or anything to worry about.
All she had to think about was this island. How to get off of it, the girl who was running it.. was she a demon? She couldn't discredit the fact that maybe she was a human with powers like hers. Not too far of a long shot, either.
She walked along, glancing into buildings and people watching, with her long bow hooked to her quiver, hanging from her back.
For a prison.. this island sure was peaceful. Almost.. happy.