
Nov 18, 2010 09:11

Who: Kikyou and open!
What: Kikyou's attacked by chimera. She also hasn't been recharging properly since she's arrived, and now she's running out of energy.
When: Shortly after sunset, after Kisshu goes bananas.
Where: Around the general vicinity of the woods somewhere.
Warning: Dead chicks with arrows and flying dragon snakes.

Another arrow flew through the air, igniting with a bright pink glow before tearing through the monster, who was ripped apart with a painful screech and exploded in bright glowing orbs. Kikyou barely hesitated as she readied another arrow. Chimera were floating around her, and they had been attacking her for a while now, fueled by Kisshu's rage. Sure, Kikyou wasn't living, and them attacking her wasn't going to solve anything in the end.

However, she could feel more and more of her energy being sapped away. Her arms were starting to become heavy, as if they were gradually being pulled down by lead weights. Her soul collectors were assisting her, on the lookout for any souls to gather to feed for their master, but the dragons were also intent on keeping her alive, and striking out at any chimera that came too close. The arrow became more difficult to hold, and her concentration was waning.

She aimed and fired another arrow, slumping back against a nearby tree once it left her hand and ignited as it flew through the air, just like the previous one. Just like the many others before it.

And still, they continued to attack.

steven heck, open, kikyou, inuyasha

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