just so i can get in with what all the cool kids seem to be doing

Apr 20, 2006 14:07

last cigarette: Well it wasn't a cigarette, it was a cigar and that was on...Friday night I think.
last car ride: My mum drove me to my old primary school a bit less than an hour ago to go to the dentist.
last kiss: Uh some..tome...ago. I mean time.
last good cry: I haven't really had a good cry in a while. Had a bit of a hissy fit last night but not real crying.
last library book checked out: Errr when we were reading during English last term...I got out a book called Swallowing Grandma XD Annnnd More Than You Know and Sophie's World.
last movie seen: Pulp Fiction. And Jeremy and Fran are watching it now.
last book read: In entirety? Swallowing Grandma.
last cuss word uttered: Fuck probably...as in *mutter grumble* "fuck you..." to my mum XD
last beverage drank: Cup of coffee just then.
last food consumed: Ummm slice of bread with omghommusonitomg.
last crush: Oh who can tell nowadays.
last phone call: Ummm. Let me think. Maddy I think, on Tuesday perhaps.
last tv show watched: Dr Phil with Jeremy this morning.
last time showered: This morning.
last shoes worn: My Volleys about five minutes ago.
last cd played: Sonic Youth I think, or the Murmurs demo.
last downloaded: Some versions of Dancing in the Moonlight because I heard a really awesome version of it.
last annoyance: Um my mum just...being my mum and someone whose name starts with J and ends with Ack Doepel. Fuck I want to stab him sometimes.
last disappointment: Jack not even knowing he's pissed me off YET DOING IT SO OBVIOUSLY.
last soda drank: Ummmm pepsi yesterday.
last thing written: How to do a LJ cut because I forgot and David reminded me.
last key used: Probably my front door key the other night.
last word spoken: I cannot remember. It may have been 'No', as in 'No I didn't eat soup in my room for lunch'.
last sleep: This morning, when I fell back asleep after listening to my dad get ready for work at like 6.
last weird encounter: I haven't really had any weird encounters lately. Though Alyce waved at me from across Hay Street in Subi yesterday. Like all smiley and I was like THE FUCK? So I guess it was weird in that sense.
last time wanting to die: Not in a while.
last time in love: Oh who can tell nowadays.
last time hugged: Yesterday, saying bye to Gul at the train station.
last time scolded: This morning probably, when I was bitchy to my mum so she didn't take me to the shops to get new jeans.
last time resentful: Oh all the time honey pie.
last chair sat in: Besides this one? The dentist's chair hootinanny. I want one of them in my room XD
last underwear worn: OMG black bonds OMG.
last time dancing: Blues and Roots probably.
last poster looked at: My Hives one. I stole it :D
last show attended: Ho hum Blues and Roots methinks.
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