Title: Just Skin and Bones
Artist: sallyna_smile
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Gwaine
Warnings: None.
Summary: 'You can't keep him hidden forever, Arthur'. In which Merlin realises he doesn't know what he wants from the modelling world any more and that sometimes you need to start again to be truly happy.
Artist Notes: I want to thank Bea for picking up my story at the very last minute: she's been working non-stop to make the poor idea in my mind into something awesome ♥
I'm sorry the poster is a bit rough: it was done quickly and I would have loved to add more, but RL was a pain in the ...back.
Story Link:
Just Skin and BonesDisclaimer: Fanwork of the Shine/BBC series Merlin. Created for fun, not profit.