Title: Lucidus
Fandom: Young Justice Animated
Pairing: Miss Martian/Artemis
Rating: R
Words: 1279
Timeline: Post-"Infiltrator", Season 1, Episode 6
Notes: For
dcu_freeforall, prompt "pink".
A/N: What is this whole concept of 'plot' I keep hearing people talk about?
Summary: M'gann can only contemplate how much easier it was to concentrate before Artemis joined the team.
It all starts with two simple words.
that boy
Maintaining the telepathic link has proven to be more difficult than M’gann had anticipated. It is not something she was ever required to do on her home world, where the sharing of thoughts was as natural as breathing. Her uncle J’onn has coached her, advised her, but she suspects this would be an area where even he would struggle.
J’onn may work with the Justice League, but M’gann works with Young Justice. The earth saying, she believes, is that it is a ‘very different kettle of fish’.
For adult minds, M’gann has discovered, are much more ordered than their adolescent counterparts. Far less prone to wander.
full bottom lip flash of white white teeth fitful chewing love your hair want to touch
M’gann can link them, provide the team with a wordless communication that is invaluable in their stealth-based missions. She had not anticipated just how much effort it would take to censor the feed.
wrists held firm pressed to a wall no a mattress no a wall green skin under my fingers
There are some thoughts humans are happy to share. These are the ones they invariably say out loud. These are the ones M’gann helps broadcast through the team. It is the rest that she must keep silenced, keep from slipping beyond the confines of each team member’s mind. And she has learnt, so very thoroughly, that she is not to pry within these secrets.
show you everything babe c’mon want you to see so good
Distinguishing the difference between a message that is intended for them all and a stray thought that has drifted across their minds when she is not allowed to peer too closely at what is presented to her can be challenging, at best. Translating those thoughts into solid words, not the sensation-images M’gann is more familiar with, is an added complication.
Doing all this instantaneously, with the knowledge that even a second’s delay could cause injury or worse, is exhausting.
open you up taste you taste me do you even know how you look when you blush like that
M’gann cannot even rely on the same cues and patterns for them as whole, because individually they are all different and their minds work in different ways. She lets her eyes drift between them, flitting across their faces when she knows she should truly be concentrating on the teamwork seminar.
so lovely aren’t they but you’re the best do you even know
She shouldn’t be so distracted.
distract you good
Kaldur is by far the easiest to translate. He has experience with telepathy from his Atlantis upbringing, and M’gann is grateful. His mind is the closest to adult, and it is structured and segmented in a way she can understand. When he wishes her to project something for him, the thought rings out loud and clear, no way to mistake it for the contented murmur of softer thoughts that drift in the further reaches of his mind.
tattoos want to lick them does he taste like the ocean that voice that voice thatvoiceoh
Robin’s mind is also carefully divided into thoughts he wishes to share and those he guards from her. It does not appear to come naturally to him in the way it does for Kaldur, and she suspects the Batman has trained him in various forms of meditation to achieve the effect. Only, when Robin becomes excited, when his laughter bounces through the shadows, things become more cluttered. M’gann sees things she knows she should be unaware of, fluttering through Robin’s mind like brightly coloured streamers. Images of spotlights and elephants, the smell of sawdust, the sound of voices ringing from cavern walls. She blocks them from the other members, even when they are louder than the words Robin wants to share.
pretty pretty little thing how can a boy that looks so delicate be so deadly
Wally thinks in flashes of images that blur by so quickly that M’gann struggles to catch them. There is no obvious difference between thoughts intended for them all and those he should keep to himself, which M’gann supposes is to be expected from somebody who shares so very much of his mind and his feelings so very clearly. He is happy to allow his thoughts to become altered, twisted into something more pleasing to him, his imagination disturbingly vast, and M’gann cannot always determine the reality from the fantasy. She is more likely to slip and make mistakes with Wally than any of the others, more likely to share things that should be private, and she suspects it is because Wally is the least likely to care.
what do you think it takes to shut him up voice muffled by skin oh shit do you think he can vibrate
Superboy’s thoughts are a swirl of colours and smoke. When confronted by something new, he automatically compares the image to a list of memories that aren’t his own in an action so clinical and yet so quick she doubts he is aware of it. He expresses his thoughts in sensation, in feeling, and sometimes she struggles to find the words to match up to the sharp bursts of emotion that roil within him. His thoughts are pure and there is no barrier between those intended for them all and those he would resent M’gann sharing. She feels his sullen resentment at her intrusion, although he lacks the control to block her in any way, so she must tread carefully.
damn so hot ice blue eyes I just want to climb him don’t look at me like that I know you want it too
Artemis and her inclusion in the team, however, have presented an obstacle M’gann has not yet surmounted.
all that green skin taste like sugar and rainfall pretty pretty cute pretty
M’gann should be concentrating.
why when this is so much fun
Artemis is a deep, dark cavern of fiercely protected secrets that M’gann respects too much to even consider exploring. Artemis should hate the idea of M’gann being allowed into her mind with the same intensity of Superboy’s anger.
Instead she revels in it. Embraces it. Secure in the knowledge that M’gann won’t pry where she isn’t welcome, and Artemis seems to enjoy the freedom of being completely and utterly herself with M’gann.
No matter how distracting it may be.
want my tongue on your thighs feeling the muscles quiver beneath it
This has to stop.
can stop it any time just stop listening
M’gann could stop it.
but you won’t
But she won’t.
want your mouth kiss me this meeting is boring kiss me please
It’s a part of M’gann’s nature to want to do right by people, to please them, to help them.
want to help me then give me your fingers oh yeah right where I need them
But she has to admit, the meeting truly is rather boring.
yes oh yes thighs pressed together squirm for me show me you’re feeling it as much as I am
M’gann’s focus is elsewhere.
love those breathy little sighs you make
Artemis is a terrible distraction.
the best honey I’m the best kiss me you’re the good girl they won’t say no to you
M’gann should resist.
shoulda woulda coulda let me lick you make you writhe for me make you scream
M’gann stands, trying not to breathe too heavily, trying not to look too eager. “Please may Artemis and I be excused?”
Kaldur looks surprised but not angry. She already knows he won't object.
Across the table, Artemis grins wide, showing all her teeth, her cheeks stained a delicate, glowing pink.