Okay, so let's get started on the picturefest. I apologise, but I CANNOT make an lj cut work. I don't know why. I'll try again later.
Here is my best broccoli. (I think I've solved the problem...it's too much water! That's why the leaves are turning yellow on the other plants.)
Tomatoes and cucumbers (foreground)
My biggest cabbage. Note the worm damage. :(
My new herb garden that was planted today. Note in the background the garden that used to be seeds!
Here is a better view of the seed-started garden. Didn't I tell you the beans were insane?
Finally, my toddler, ready to attack the new herb garden. Hot pepper juice may keep bunnies at bay, but not intrepid toddlers. I fear I will be erecting another fence in the 90 degree heat tomorrow!
Apparently I CAN make an lj-cut, so ignore the previous apology. Now, today we went ahead and purchased a mess of herbs because my hot weather plan was to plant mediterranean herbs. It's hot, so let's see if I can keep THESE alive. We planted basil, oregano, lavender, dill, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.
In other news, I did go to the local farmer presentation and found out that one of my sophomore's parents sell grass-fed beef! Score! Now I can not only buy local, grass-fed beef, but it's from someone I've known for YEARS. Yeah, yeah, yeah! On the other hand, I can also buy local beef that is grain and corn fed (not as good for your health) but he doesn't use hormones or antibiotics or any of that stuff. He's a third generation farmer who still works with his dad and grandfather. They used to run dairy until that got too difficult to do. That's the same thing with my mom's family's farm (except they had a dairy farm for 150 years before they had to switch to beef and produce). Now, it's time to continue my overspending binge and just get the damn chest freezer. It's going to be worth it in the long run. Time to crunch numbers.