Pleas friend me?kitenkaibaDecember 4 2009, 11:58:46 UTC
Hi, I’m a big fan of claiming Kin and a writer for the inupapasesst aka Feudal family bonds group created by Snowfall. I’m probably far from sane but I’d really like to read your LJ.
Re: and then...salomesenseiDecember 14 2009, 19:46:44 UTC
Welcome, o mighty Splerb!
You can click and visit/join samchamjam (my comm for fic writing) and _champloo kind of a general clearinghouse for all things Champloo...but it's not very busy.
You can friend Talon if you want (talonsage) but she doesn't do SamCham. Ashley does, and she loves the twins writing, she's furousha and a lover of all things Mugen. Drop them private messages or visit their LJs and see if they have a "request to friend" -- tell them you're my bestest pal if you wanna so they'll know who you are.
Re: Add me, please!salomesenseiDecember 17 2009, 03:44:03 UTC
I'd love to have you read my fic, but I don't post it on my LJ for the most part. Better to read me at FFnet (see link above) and oishii-fic. But if we can bump noses a bit at comms and such, I will add you. I'm just a little wary when I don't know someone :)
Comments 105
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*lifts leg*
(Good think we dogs like this sorta thing.)
You can click and visit/join samchamjam (my comm for fic writing) and _champloo kind of a general clearinghouse for all things Champloo...but it's not very busy.
You can friend Talon if you want (talonsage) but she doesn't do SamCham. Ashley does, and she loves the twins writing, she's furousha and a lover of all things Mugen. Drop them private messages or visit their LJs and see if they have a "request to friend" -- tell them you're my bestest pal if you wanna so they'll know who you are.
What else you wanna do?
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