
Feb 15, 2012 23:06

Not sure what to think about this.

Johnny Lee Miller to take title role in US Sherlock Holmes Update

On the one hand, why?? We already have a fantastic Sherlock Holmes update! On the other hand, that's what I thought when I heard they were making a US version of The Office - and I ended up loving it ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

sjhw_tolerance February 16 2012, 00:06:52 UTC
On the third hand: Sherlock Holmes = London. Right?

I don't know, Sal. Didn't Sir Arthur Conan Doyle say do with him whatever you want? I wouldn't put it past *anyone* to set him down in a new locale, even space. ;-)


salr323 February 16 2012, 22:21:28 UTC
He did say that, he was pretty ambivilant about Sherlock Holmes! But for me it's synonymous with London.


tuesday_suit February 16 2012, 02:24:35 UTC
Well, there's one show I won't be watching. JLM will not be a better Sherlock than Benedict. BC is Sherlock to me now, full stop. And whoever they get to play Watson won't be half as good as Martin Freeman. Not to mention Holmes in New York? The hell?

So, yeah, I'll give that a miss. SMH. And I found both versions of The Office annoying.


salr323 February 16 2012, 22:24:01 UTC
Yeah, I can't really see JLM in the role. But I guess that's because BC is the perfect Sherlock! Seems like CBS should come up with their own ideas, not rip off other TV shows!


flippet February 16 2012, 15:31:46 UTC
Hm, interesting.

I mean, I totally agree with you on everything. US remakes or versions of UK shows usually annoy the crud out of me, because they seem to think that we're stupid. And, okay, many of us actually are pretty dang dumb (witness US politics), but those people won't be the ones watching anyway. Just send over the UK version to start with, and trust that we'll catch on to the accent and Britishisms soon enough. :-P

That said, I find Jonny Lee Miller pretty hard to resist. And Sherlock Holmes is one of those things where different versions are just that - different takes on a particular classic canon, like Austen, or like any Greek classic. It's not something where there's only one way to do it.


salr323 February 16 2012, 22:26:41 UTC
I'll reserve judgement until I've seen it. For me, it's going to be a hard sell though!


caz963 February 18 2012, 15:21:02 UTC
I like JLM - but yeah, Sherlock Holmes = London. It'll probably end up as some generic "strange and socially-challeged genius solves the seemingly insoluble", much like many other US procedurals.

I confess that I haven't seen the US version of The Office. But I remember with horror what they did to Life on Mars. *shudder*


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