..but mostly burp. Me, my mom and her boyfriend went out to dinner on Saturday, and my stomach is working on digesting all the stuff I ate. I had no idea that venison would lie so heavlily on the stomach. I could barely eat yesterday for fear of exploding like that fat man in the restaurant, in one of Monty Python's sketches...Ouch, ouwy, pain. Seriously bad mental image just sprung up. Anyway, since I haven't updated anything sensible for a while -take head of the word sensible- I hereby would like to declare that I want to move out of my current appartment. I'm a 25-minute busdrive away from downtown and, for a student of my current social activities, this is condemning me to a life of solitude. This cannot go on, therefore I must move. I've opted for two rooms already, but have recieved no reply so far. Which isn't weird, considering I only sent them this afternoon. For all else, the status quo remains. Oh, and also there is a picture with me on Sinterklaas' lap
. oh, and some other pecters of people who are involved in the same play I'm in. Sinterklaas is a Dutch feast, by the way, celebrated on the 5th of December. It involves gift-giving, writing horrible poetry to accompany said gift, lots of candy and a bearded fellow.
My lame ass. Sitting pretty, though.
Cornelius. Director-fellow. Not as innocent as all that, I assure you.
Tom. Who has a grand total of four lines in the entire play. Luckily, he's got his hands full with the other one, being one of only four people.
Jaennet. Director-lady...Yes, a grand-total of two directors. Yay for us!
Sint and Gimp. Usually this would've been Piet, but hey! This was more intersting. Both were very much in their respective characters.
Thus endeth the pic-spam. Cheerio, dharlings!